Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In sudden fury Leonora caught hold of his legs and swung them to the floor .
2 He stretched out his long legs and crossed them at the ankles .
3 The young man and the girl did not see him coming and he caught them both around their legs and knocked them onto the floor .
4 Then suddenly he thrust his head between his owner 's legs and hoisted him into the trough with a resounding splash !
5 After going to his parents ' home at about 5am , Abram , who had earlier been out drinking in the nearby Valkaries pub , washed his blood stained trainers and dried them in the microwave oven , it was claimed .
6 Having said that , he self-consciously dropped his gaze from her disappointed eyes and turned it to the multi-patterned carpet .
7 The devil-man opened his eyes and shielded them against the brightness of the sky .
8 The sun became relentlessly hot , adding dehydration to my distress ; I stripped off my pyjamas and restored them to the rucksack .
9 Ian came with us part of the way , so we took two cars and left ours at the finishing point and Ian 's at the entrance to the track .
10 Josh Gifford wheeled Honey End round , took him back a few paces and put him at the fence a second time .
11 They took pictures and reported it to the RSPCA .
12 I put the small boat on my shoulders and carried it to the edge of the water , then I put it in the sea .
13 Alan wrapped one of his cot blankets round his shoulders and took him to the kitchen to make a drink .
14 She laid her hands on Peter 's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek .
15 Mamma put her ample arm round Noreen 's shaking shoulders and brought her to the kitchen table and made her sit down .
16 A murdering Fascist , ’ I cried and Richard took me gently by the shoulders and pushed me towards the door .
17 He was very nearly as tall as her , but she put an arm under his shoulders and supported him to the untidy room which served as the stable office , calling to one of the stable girls to take over the class .
18 Sharpe said grimly , then he put an arm round Lucille 's shoulders and steered her towards the ballroom where , because the orchestra had been engaged till dawn , the music still played and a few last couples still danced .
19 Lucie slipped the scarlet waistcoat off Gabriel 's shoulders and skinned him of the white silk shirt .
20 They collected their horses from the stables and led them through the cold , bustling streets .
21 Welford said : ‘ He grabbed me by the lapels and cuffed me across the face , but I shielded myself from the rest of his blows . ’
22 She stretched Thérèse on the rack until her bones cracked , tore off her breasts with red-hot pincers , then flogged her with twigs and broke her on the wheel .
23 She was a little overweight , her hands a touch too pudgy when she reached for various books and took them from the shelves .
24 So we got a pair of football boots and some books and wedged them on the door , thinking that she 'd naturally see them .
25 I finished my list of demands and took it to the Branch Office , where I received something of a hero 's welcome .
26 When Isobel had gone — dear , patient , wise Isobel whom she loved and to whom she was often so unreasonable — Anna ran water into the empty coffee mugs and stood them in the sink .
27 And he took out the keys and threw them onto the bonnet .
28 He took limes from his pyjama pockets and left them on the blankets .
29 Two of the archers picked me up under the armpits and hustled me down the steps of the scaffold .
30 Her gown had a train which brushed the floor , and she waited while the woman following her looped it up into neat folds and attached them to the fastening at her wrist .
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