Example sentences of "[noun pl] be on the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keeping a foot in both camps is made easier because the bid committee 's offices are on the same floor as his own at Manchester Theatres Ltd .
2 The accommodation huts were on the same side of the walls as the hospital hut .
3 His recording of Giulio Cesare has recently shown that he can succeed when his singers are on the same level as his musical ideas .
4 When she was n't explaining that she and the libbers were on the same side really , Mrs Travers took pains to point out that FAMILY had no quarrel with the poor or socially inadequate ; it was just that she wanted to pay tribute to the unsung millions of women ( and men ) who lived normal lives , did not swap roles , get divorces or abortions , become homeless or batter their children ( or their wives ) ; people who faced misfortune with re-sourcefulness and courage and without recourse to public funds .
5 And the case of the sexes is on the same footing .
6 A best fit occurs when all three factors are on the same level in the spectrum , though this is rare in practice .
7 Although all the pawns are on the same side of the board , which increases the effectiveness of Karpov 's knight , his king is on the back rank and Short 's king is poised to advance .
8 Whilst it is true that the summit meeting of heads of state and government ( prime ministers and presidents ) in Stuttgart in 1983 adopted a Solemn Declaration of European Union , it would be a mistake to assume that the prime ministers and presidents and the European Parliamentarians were on the same wavelength .
9 Their objections are on the same basis as ours — it is dangerous to have no independent screen between the state and the defendant in the Crown Courts .
10 Make sure that these extensions are on the same side of the spar .
11 ( Indeed , underreporting of cases may be a reason for the relatively low rural miscarriage ratio in Table 12 , which is lower than the ratio of the " other urban " places , while the still birth ratio that is based on complete registration of late fetal deaths was on the same level — 7.5 per 1,000 live births — in both rural and " other urban " areas . ) .
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