Example sentences of "[noun pl] might be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The parties might be represented by proctors .
2 While castles might be obtained by purchase , and exchanged to make for a more judicious distribution geographically , they had also to be manned with troops .
3 Responsibility for these plans was divided between the tiers of local government after reorganization so that counties , metropolitan counties and the Scottish regions were responsible for the structure plans , which were understood , at first at least , to be of strategic importance , providing the framework within which local plans might be prepared by district councils .
4 This is not to criticise any individual or group , but rather to highlight potential problems as , for example , where the involvement of individuals might be interpreted by others as exceeding their authority .
5 Jones fears his criminal record pre-dating Pistols days might be used by US Immigration to prevent him returning to the States .
6 Professor Glennerster considered carefully the argument that expensive treatments might be refused by fund holders and found no evidence of that yet .
7 Home decorating and colour scheming advertorials might be offered by paint and wallpaper companies ; indeed the opportunities are many and varied .
8 So leaving the Zande again and moving back to our own cultural tradition at the time of St Augustine of Hippo ( 354–430 ) , we find the public orators and professors of late antiquity understandably fearful lest their memories might be stolen by witches .
9 Because of their youth and vulnerability , and since they were less likely to be union members , apprentices and turnovers might be persuaded by employers to carry on working during a strike .
10 Himmelstein acknowledged that the reputations of serious conservators might be damaged by colleagues who work on objects without the permission of the objects ' owners .
11 World prices might be distorted by tariffs , but a world market existed .
12 Dr Alfred M. Bongiovanni , professor of paediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , told the American Academy of Paediatrics that once the growth hormone reaches the market , doctors might be pressured by parents to give the hormone to children who are slow developers .
13 The thought that the position of this find and others might be located by map using basic geometry is an intriguing one , but at least one tomb of a Knight Templar has been found to lay exactly on an important map intersection in the Rennes Valley .
14 Differences are likely to stimulate choice ; the smallest chair might be most suitable for the ‘ baby ’ , place settings might each be of a different colour , saucepans might be chosen by size to fit the ring available .
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