Example sentences of "[noun pl] seem [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes seemed to draw in the light like two unreflecting pools and she was unable to tell whether she had dented his ego or not , but the patronising note that came into his voice hinted that she had somehow won that round .
2 His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness .
3 Even in death their lips were curled in a snarl ; their wizened faces and staring , blank eyes seemed to gloat over the evil they had planned .
4 Nicolo 's words seemed to hang in the silence that suddenly enveloped the room .
5 The words seemed to linger on the air .
6 The words seemed to vibrate against the softness of her cotton-clad flesh , which was in such disturbing contact with his musk-scented blue shirt .
7 Once more Margaret Seymour-Strachey 's words seemed to come from the front of her head , and to be as contradictory as words usually are when they do n't represent what one is really thinking about .
8 Primary schools seem to manage with the term ‘ classroom teacher ’ and their cross-curricular approach may have much to offer the secondary curriculum .
9 You also notice that Sebadoh are n't afraid to improvise live and that they 're so prolific , perfectly-formed new songs seem to drop from the sky .
10 Their peaks seemed to float above the ground .
11 As the softly spoken syllables seemed to hover in the air around them with a soft moan he drew her fiercely against him , raining kisses on her face , making her shiver deliciously .
12 Many of the differences between the competing groups seemed to evaporate after the resignation of Peter Lawson , General Secretary of the Central Council of Physical Recreation , as a director of the London 2000 group .
13 For much of the interwar period and for some years after 1945 , the judges seemed to withdraw from the conflict or , when asked to intervene , tended to adopt a neutral position .
14 In Norway in winter the smell of freshly baked bread , and the warmth from the containers , are great attractions , and visitors seem to congregate around the bakery like bees around a honey pot .
15 In her more recent works , avalanches of everyday objects seem to fall from the sky .
16 Publication of research findings as single , small steps leads to individual ‘ knowledge claims ’ , by publication , some of which are incorporated into accepted knowledge ( Gilbert ) , but the largest theoretical advances seem to occur as the result of the application of several small steps , possibly involving different sub-disciplines in the research process .
17 Other ideas seem to operate on the mind with great force , but they are not conscious , nor readily recalled to consciousness ; they are unconscious .
18 The breezes seemed to skim off the water like stones .
19 Palm trees and crescent-shaped dunes seemed to waver in the heat .
20 Some of those who comment on subjects such as the safe disposal of nuclear wastes seem to work on the assumption that the relevant sciences and technologies are standing still .
21 The gloves seemed to go with the stick , as any outfitter will readily confirm .
22 The sound was so terrific the trains seemed to pass across the end of the bed , and we drew up our feet instinctively .
23 Beyond , the pampas seemed to swim in the midday heat .
24 At a time when plans for global communications seem to rest on the semantics of international standards , Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
25 The Avignon 's bows had begun to swing rapidly through all the points of the compass as the river meandered on through the jungle , and the tips of the cathedral spires seemed to dart around the ship , popping up first in one quarter then another like the ears of an inquisitive rabbit trying to follow its progress .
26 Interestingly , the only doubts that Western scientists seemed to express about the viability of the project concerned this deadline .
27 The critics seemed to approve of the poetry , although they emphasized the theatrical and " dated " aspects of the play .
28 At first glance some strands of these otherwise opposed political forces seem to agree on the use of censorship to oppose pornography .
29 Whether or not particular authors take industrialization to be the main engine of change , or whether they include other factors , such as urbanization and bureaucratization , three generally agreed themes seem to emerge from the writings of many sociologists of the family .
30 In vase-painting the late work of the Pioneers and the formation of a new generation of masters seem to come in the years around 500 .
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