Example sentences of "[noun pl] look at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I 'd like to extend that discussion this week concerning channels to look at the biological properties of channels , that is viewing th their activities in a physio in a physiological role .
2 But if it 's a world problem , if there are international dimensions to our problems in Britain , or to Kenya 's problems in Kenya , or to Mexico 's Mexican problems in Mexico , then somehow we 've got to have international groups looking at the international aspects of those problems .
3 This is the fourth in a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
4 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
5 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
6 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
7 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
8 It is about all manner of motoring matters such as improvements in vehicle safety and construction , raising of driving standards and an attempt to get the authorities to look at the whole business of motoring in a different way for the good of all .
9 Legal and financial experts look at the crucial interface between broadcasters and independents including commissioning policy , pricing , contracts and rights .
10 If we think of linguistic analysis as usually being linked to the sentence as the maximum unit of grammar , then the study of discourse attempts to look at the larger contexts in which sentences occur .
11 I had not in those days looked at the real aspects of the drink question — had not seen the responsibility that rests on each one to be guiltless in regard to that which is sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects , and killing numbers of her sons possessed of generous impulsive natures .
12 CACI are also able to build more advanced studies looking at the specific market sectors that a client may be interested in .
13 There have been few studies looking at the sexual risk of HIV infection for women who have sex with women and so there are few reported cases of women infected in this way .
14 The following readings look at the main agent of law enforcement , the police .
15 We will never know how that would develop because community charge has been abolished but anyway You will note of course as well that last year in nineteen ninety one , the Conservative Party managers looked at the local election result and decided not to go in June ninety one , cos they figured they would get beaten .
16 Foreign investors looked at the higher yield of gilts over German government bonds without worrying about exchange risk .
17 Serious eaters look at the red Michelin Benelux guide , which lists about 25 restaurants in the centre , a handful of which have one star .
18 Looking at the evidence leads many scientists to believe that God made the world , whereas other scientists look at the same evidence and believe that it all happened by chance and that the world , the solar system , you and me are all just the result of a lucky string of enormous flukes !
19 erm the west bank option for widen worsen road to be abandoned , that I quite agree with and design on , and then follow that , I 'd like erm do environmental report for members to be or for members to look at the environmental report before it comes here .
20 But there will be an opportunity for members to look at the present programme which will need pruning to get it down to those guidelines , and they can obviously make any comments they wish to , or any advice they wish to give the P A G in terms of individual schemes or the detail .
21 In view of the stringent financial requirements imposed on BR by the government this may be a little unfair but it does neatly encapsulate the views of many commentators looking at the likely impact of the Tunnel on the South East after 1993 .
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