Example sentences of "[noun pl] may [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
2 We have shown how group frequencies derived from experience with other molecules may be used to suggest assignments for particularly characteristic bands , and how the use of isotopes may assist us in the deduction of molecular structure and of the types of atoms involved in each mode .
3 These pictures may take you into the far reaches of analogy , metaphor , anecdotes , jokes , personal experiences and even sheer fantasy .
4 Outside there is an attractive walled garden with mature sycamore trees , herbaceous borders and a lawn which is home to a wide variety of birds , who are encouraged to visit the dining room window , where guests may observe them with the aid of the proprietor 's binoculars and telescope !
5 This impressive series of statutes may owe something to the influence of Justinian 's Code and Digest , which was the core of Roman law and the foundation of the training of civil lawyers ; yet while Roman law was part of the atmosphere breathed by nearly all lawyers in the thirteenth century , and at least one outstanding civil lawyer , Vacarius , was familiar to Englishmen , the statutes on the whole betray little impress of Justinian , concerned as they were largely with the clarification of traditional indigenous and feudal problems .
6 Magnets may lead us by the nose
7 A good performance in the ‘ B ’ or regional squads may bring you to the attention of the national coach , and may also result in your promotion to the élite squads .
8 The inconclusive nature of the empirical tests may suggest something about the validity of the tests themselves rather than the significance or otherwise of dividends .
9 If rail travel gets worse before it gets better , voters may dump them at the next general election .
10 The volunteers may find themselves at the centre of an even more important discovery .
11 Relatively ignorant , inexperienced and amateur politicians may find themselves at the mercy of the bureaucracies , which possess knowledge , experience and technical expertise .
12 For example , a representation of a law court could tell us something about the role of judges , lawyers , jury , witnesses : representations of the silent system within prisons may convey something of the nature of that practice .
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