Example sentences of "[noun pl] take [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Digestion of the starch into its component glucose units takes place at the luminal surface of the gut epithelial cells , but these glucose units are immediately absorbed by the sodium ion/glucose cotransporter so that they do not contribute to the osmotic activity in the gut lumen .
2 There were several clergy taking part in the service , but we had only one 1928 Revised Prayer Book , which was passed round .
3 A number of parties took place during the race week , including a very good champagne reception most generously given by Mot et Chandon at the very comfortable four star Hôtel le Manège , which reopened in December under a dynamic new young management .
4 The launch of the Front was placed in some jeopardy when on Oct. 17 the Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) denounced 14 of the organizations taking part in the conference for either having participated in apartheid structures or for their racial make-up .
5 Twenty-four backbenchers took part in the debate , most of them making speeches opposed to the Bill .
6 Similar protests and sit-ins took place across the country , in at least 12 other cities and towns .
7 Customers at each of the Bank 's 750 branches took part in the survey .
8 The teacher tutors took responsibility for the development of all the work of the classes concerned ( fourth and fifth year ) .
9 Poll rumours continued to play their part , with a handful of ‘ local ’ pit traders taking advantage of the lunch break to turn a 13-point deficit on the Footsie into a 21-point fall by 1pm .
10 Six healthy subjects ( two men , four women , age 26–61 years ) who had no history of gastrointestinal disease or use of antibiotics for at least three months took part in the study .
11 My wife and I went to Poona and for nine months took charge of the Willingdon Soldiers ' Club , at a time when welfare and amenities work was only just beginning .
12 We 've got twenty five schools taking part at the moment .
13 Pakistani regular army units took part in the summer fighting around Jalalabad , he said , but had moved back , although Pakistani artillery experts , commandos and officers are still fighting with the mujahedin .
14 I was invited to observe healing sessions taking place in the College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington .
15 Speaking at an ILP Summer School , Maxton proposed an electoral agreement : The ILP is prepared to consult with the Labour Party , the Co-operative Party and the Communist Party , regarding the General Election , with a view to avoiding conflicting candidatures in order to ( a ) defeat the National Government candidates and ( b ) secure the return of candidates nominated by the Parties taking part in the consultations .
16 ( op. at. : 6 ) Art sessions took place in the Art Room itself at the far end of the school , and Drama work happened in the hall .
17 The invitation by the BDDA to these distinguished brothers to take part at the Glasgow Congress reflected the respect for the achievements of the American deaf-mutes felt by Francis Maginn and the Association 's early leaders .
18 In the big top , Radio Cleveland entertain in the morning followed at 2pm by Radio 2 's John Sachs who will be inviting listeners to take part in the Bank Holiday Quiz and It 's Your Radio 2 .
19 The FIS , which won most votes in the local elections in June 1990 , hopes to profit later this year when some 40 parties take part in the country 's ( and the Arab world 's ) first fully democratic parliamentary election .
20 These spores take root in the Night Goblin 's flesh and gradually start to change him .
21 IAN RUTHERFORD Taking steps : marchers take part in the demonstration in Dundee at the weekend showing their support for the 340 strikers sacked by Timex
22 Rather , he prefers to view language as a ‘ circular ’ process of inter-communication in which speakers take account of the view of their listeners in constructing the utterance in a continual interaction .
23 The companies that have the highest sales in Poland and stand to lose most unless they can restructure their import channels to take advantage of the quotas , include Dell Computer Corp and Compaq Computer Corp in the personal computer market ; Computer 2000 and ComputerLand Corp in distribution , and Hewlett-Packard Co , Star Micronics Ltd , Seiko Epson Co and Seikosha Corp in the printer market .
24 A record 25 countries took part in the contest , which was beamed live to an estimated 300 million viewers throughout Europe and beyond .
25 In all , 68pc of the school 's parents took part in the ballot , with 22pc voting against grant maintained status .
26 But the vote has been declared invalid because fewer than half the parents took part in the ballot .
27 The effectiveness of the support provided by the IDB to encourage companies to develop their export potential may be illustrated by the results which they achieve through their involvement in these schemes , and during 1990/91 , companies taking part in the IDB trade missions and trade fairs programme reported actual and potential orders totalling around £46 million .
28 This fund would be further augmented by the new overseas-owned companies taking advantage of the tax haven conditions .
29 THERE was a record response to last year 's Uranium Factor with teams from five BNFL sites taking part in the army assault course challenge .
30 Sponsored crazy ball bounces took place at the Kent Rally and in all 's classes to support the ‘ Be a Sport for Comic Relief ’ campaign .
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