Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [vb base] [pron] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Associations wishing to suggest speakers , or individuals who feel they have a relevant message to put over are invited to write to : .
2 Associations wishing to suggest speakers , or individuals who feel they have a relevant message to put over are invited to write to : George A. Dawber , FNIPP , Convention Chairman .
3 They have spoken to witnesses who say they recognise an artist 's impression of the man .
4 A lot of them treat you more as a sort of friend and an equal rather than looking down … there 's a few teachers who treat you like a child rather than like themselves , but most of them are very friendly … well , I think it 's mainly because they 're younger teachers … and there 's not such a great age gap , you know .
5 I would tell other girls who suspect they have an exercise problem similar to mine to ask themselves the following questions : Do I take more exercise than is necessary for health and fitness ?
6 These are weekend courses designed for couples who feel they have a stable relationship , and want to work at improving it , particularly through communication skills .
7 And , of course , like so many palaeontological matters , they stir up arguments between specialists who think they have a way of solving the enigmas .
8 ‘ That 's what you would do , I suppose , but Garry 's wife is one of those women who think they have an ideal marriage , and she would go into a decline at the very mention of another woman , so Garry is presenting her with concrete evidence that their marriage is over . ’
9 It would therefore never be considered for women who believe they have a normal pregnancy .
10 China division personnel executive Mike Foster said : ‘ The policy informs employees who feel they have a drink problem of the opportunity to attend special counselling sessions with an external agency .
11 On the other side are the managers of enterprises who think they have a commercial future .
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