Example sentences of "[noun pl] will [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Type in a description of the program ( these words will appear under the icon ) but you can leave the other three options blank .
2 There will be blood shed like water , and tears like mist ; but the peoples will conquer in the end .
3 Other similar combinations will occur to the student who has absorbed the principles of balance .
4 And vesicles will fuse under the influence of an osmotic gradient .
5 60,000 fans will pack into the Bowl tomorrow to see the Boss .
6 As speed increases , the legs will converge under the body towards a centre line .
7 Super walkers will continue beyond the obelisk to the minor peak of Sgurr na Stri , overlooking Loch Scavaig and the open sea .
8 When the crystal stops growing , because it is removed from the solution , or for any other reason , these steps will remain on the surface and can often clearly be seen in the microscope .
9 In any event , it will be worthwhile fitting protective covers if the dog is allowed into the passenger seats of the vehicle at any stage , because otherwise , its hairs will stick to the upholstery .
10 The possible solutions will depend on the severity of the handicap , but parents should be encouraged to consider ways in which their children might remain creatively active , thus continuing the process of education rather than allowing the person to retrogress .
11 Any sections not reported clear by the time of the arrival of the Fire Service units will result in the Fire Service undertaking to search such areas as an immediate priority .
12 Once the sum raised passes the £25,000 mark , royalties will revert to the Orchestra and Nimbus Records , the producers , while Legal & General 's will continue to go to the National Aids Trust .
13 Even where a trustee has misappropriated trust property the fund may still preserve its identity , and , so long as it can be identified , the rights of the beneficiaries will attach to the fund into whatever form it may have been converted by him .
14 If the resist is not exposed for a long enough period , it will not develop fully and so some traces will remain on the board .
15 Yes , my employer offered to er you know send this letter , the postage and everything , I said no , you know , if you help me I 'll er run round put these letters through the letter boxes it 'll , you know , assist me in my training , and if , you know , if I 'm successful in raising over 500 pounds those funds will go to the Bible School for the mentally handicapped and children with learning difficulties .
16 Of course the sceptics and the doubters will sneer at the influence on the affair exercised by Dicky saying that the former route was unsuitable and geographically unstable , and they will point out that such conditions have been overcome in other parts , for example , the West Highland , the Liverpool and Manchester and the Settle and Carlisle , but then those conversant with Dicky o' Tunstead will continue to believe that it is his malign influence which kept the rails away from Tunstead Farm .
17 In that case , assuming that the allegation of breach is well founded , the rights of the parties will depend on the classification of the term broken .
18 Collection boxes are available in the charity 's eight shops here and Help The Aged is hoping pubs , offices , clubs and shops will help with the collection .
19 More than 20 cars will contest the historic category and this year the old cars will run at the front of the field .
20 THE managing director of David McLean Homes will get behind the wheel of a limousine to help raise money for St Mary 's primary school , in Wrexham , at an auction of ‘ promises ’ at St Mary 's church hall tonight .
21 If , after a few thousand years of reduced temperature the trend reverses and average temperatures creep up again , the animals will come under the influence of a new selection pressure , and will be pushed towards growing shorter coats again .
22 Jordan embarks on an electoral road to uncertainty : In November Jordanians will vote in the country 's first parliamentary elections in 22 years .
23 Shoes 'll go in the boot bag , in the ski bags
24 My Lord the defence admit that no such advice was given to the plaintiff but they deny that they were under any duty er to give such advice and it is pleaded in the that er the defendants will rely upon the fact that Mr er held himself out to be er an experienced man of business and as such it was not necessary on their part to advise him upon the adequacy and arrangements for the financing of the operation .
25 Thus the power of a group like the miners will depend upon the demand for coal compared to other forms of energy .
26 This year , once again , Mace is fortunate to be able to call on the services of Richard Lewis , National Director of Training at the Lawn Tennis Association , who will oversee the 12 selected tennis enthusiasts on the courts of Eton school , where the youngsters will reside during the week of 19th–25th July .
27 His training protocol exploited the fact that , given a choice between staying in a lighted environment or entering a dark compartment , rodents such as rats or mice will go into the dark .
28 My feet will stay on the ground . ’
29 These computer-based experiences will consist of the programming language Logo and a spreadsheet environment .
30 Mr Groenewald 's boast about hundreds of thousands of white soldiers assumes rather too blithely that ex-conscripts will rally to the cause .
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