Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Traditionally , individuals have been the central feature of attempts to understand corporate crime , but unfortunately for criminology , it was their pathological characteristics which were advanced as the cause of their deviations .
2 This sentiment appeared to be accurately echoed in the terms of reference of the enquiry into primary school methods which were announced by the Secretary of State in December 1991 .
3 I visited Blamey 's house and studio in Hampstead and admired his highly disciplined and organised working methods which were reflected in the immaculately tidy house with its magnificent north-facing studio , built as a rear extension over two floors .
4 Organizations which were represented on the Council of Representatives and which had " armies " could apply to have their armed forces officially registered .
5 This definition was not carried forward into the later Acts , although both the Act of 1979 and the current Act did reproduce some of the provisions regarding depositors which were contained in the Act of 1963 .
6 Clearly , this will be related in some degree to the increase in the number of people owning and driving cars which was reported in the first Plan .
7 Had local authorities still the influence over schools which was diminished by the Education Reform Act , it would have been commonplace for each authority to compare the performance of its own policies and of its own schools with a national standard .
8 Finally , the common law contained areas of tortious liability for interference with family and service relationships which were based upon the archaic idea that a man had a proprietary interest in the services of his family and his servants .
9 Through the field was a footpath that led via another similar gate to the next field dominated by a line of magnificent elms which were uprooted during the great storm of 1930 .
10 A report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education in 1931 ( The Primary School ) contained words which were repeated by the Plowden Report in 1967 , " What a wise and good parent would desire for his own children , that a nation must desire for all children . "
11 The six variables which were retained in the model accounted for 15.4% of the overall variation .
12 Over £60,000 was in the king 's Treasury in November 1326 , but some of this was spent paying off the force of Hainault mercenaries which Isabella had recruited for her invasion in 1326 ; some of it was simply appropriated by Mortimer and Isabella for their personal use , and some of it had to be used to finance the war against the Scots which was renewed in the summer of 1327 .
13 The act of grinding , which could be continued for several hours , resulted in the insoluble starting material being reduced to very small fragments which were distributed on the surface of the lactose particles .
14 In order to combat the growing deficit the IMF had insisted on cuts in government spending and liberalization measures for trade and investment , demands which were rejected by the Congress .
15 Such chronicles include letters which purport to have been written by the rebels , and note demands which were made during the rising .
16 But men have had such experiences and done nothing further about them , either because they have decided that there was less to the experience than they at first supposed , or because they could not endure the ethical and spiritual demands which were implied in the unspoken , ineffable moment of divine knowledge .
17 It follows the discovery of a shortfall in the Anfield books which was spotted by the club accountant .
18 The Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Islay had a very few books which were kept in the school at Bowmore but most of them seem to have been lost .
19 The titles of some of the books which were published in the golden age of deism well illustrate the terms of the debate : Locke 's The Reasonableness of Christianity ( 1695 ) ; Toland 's Christianity not Mysterious ( 1696 ) ; Collins ' The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion ( 1724 ) ; and , on the other side , Butler 's The Analogy of Religion , Natural and Revealed ( 1736 ) and Dodwell 's Christianity not Founded upon Argument ( 1742 ) .
20 The user must now edit the module header to include all the other modules which the package is to contain and to replace the dummy entries which were added to the header as defaults by LIFESPAN .
21 The second argument is that many structures of appropriation of surpluses from peasantries and pastoralists which were established during the late colonial period still exist .
22 Lastly , question ( 4 ) referred to the court in Case C 221/89 is concerned with the fact that the Act of 1988 also applies to fishing vessels which were registered in the old register but , because they do not satisfy all the new requirements , in principle ceased to be registered on 31 March 1989 .
23 According to the documents before the court , the applicants in the main proceedings are the owners or operators of 95 fishing vessels which were registered in the register of British vessels under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 .
24 Rogger points out that any moves towards a representative democracy were blocked by the negative attitude of representative institutions which was shared by the Tsar .
25 there were four people at the last meeting er and two others from the department a male and a female who looked after the bits of the department but I can not now remember what their names were let me just see if I 've got my notes which were written on the inside of a British Airways flight ticket come in , hi ya
26 The unsecured creditors therefore sued Salomon personally for the debts which were owed by the company to them , alleging that the company merely acted as an agent or a ‘ front ’ for Salomon himself .
27 Pollution control is administered in England and Wales by Regional Water Authorities which were created by the Water Act , 1973 .
28 In the three authorities which were controlled by the Conservatives before the 1990 elections , there was an average swing to Labour of just 1% .
29 In addition , the new version of the model must include all of the states which were included in the old version ( ie. states can not be deleted ) , otherwise module instances would be left in limbo .
30 The agreement opened the way for negotiations on Iran 's claim for $11,000 million arising from US military contracts which were abrogated after the revolution .
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