Example sentences of "[noun pl] they have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For months they had been trying with divets and tackle to hoist the appropriate two-ton stone upright and into its hole .
2 For two months they have been relegated to their school 's library , forbidden to attend classes or take part in any school activity .
3 These are a complexity of outcropping veins on which 17th Century miners worked but in places they have been modified by subsequent operators .
4 Abie Klugman had long grown used to the taunt — it was Aronson 's stock joke for all of the ten years they had been lodging with Mrs Neumann , and he no longer minded it .
5 Over the years they have been inducted into the Maori nation in New Zealand , a rare honour , have packed soccer stadiums in Uruguay and Chile which make Wembley look like a park pitch and have successfully led the way for numerous reggae bands to grab a slice of the American popular music market .
6 These little shrubs are also known as ‘ hedgehog ’ hollies , and probably have been for all of the 300 years they have been grown in gardens .
7 In recent years they have been streamlined to the point where they are totally identical , except for the name and the cover .
8 Today the big draught breeds , especially in the Massif Central , have found new roles in the beef industry and over the last few years they have been exported in increasing numbers to boost beef production in several parts of the world , sometimes displacing some of the famous traditional British beef breeds .
9 Many Christians see , in this parable , the command to use the talents and abilities they have been given in the service of God and all people .
10 Like the GenSyn apes they had been experimenting upon .
11 But despite severe financial problems they have been growing in number and now produce around 40 per cent of Israel 's agricultural output and almost seven per cent of its industrial goods .
12 C. oncophora and C. curticei are generally considered to be mild pathogens in calves and lambs respectively although in some studies they have been associated with inappetence and poor weight gains .
13 I 'm a teacher myself and if my children come home and tell me things they 've been doing in maths which might seem very perplexing to somebody who knows about modern maths , I understand the educational reason for them doing so .
14 In the next section we will examine union policies on this issue and the ways they have been interpreted in signed agreements .
15 A lot of people started handing in pellet guns and antique muzzle-loaders they 've been keeping for years without a licence .
16 It was the Russians they 'd been listening to the whole lot .
17 They were now the self-confident , responsible young ladies they had been trained to be by both the school and their own families .
18 Sometimes small bungalows have been built in the grounds of residential homes , in other developments they have been linked to a warden 's bungalow by means of alarm bells .
19 Not surprisingly , it is for these displays of nature 's most powerful forces at work that volcanoes are chiefly known , and in almost all primitive societies they have been regarded with fear and identified with deities and evil spirits .
20 They first told police they had been hunting for foxes .
21 Christie slashed her own thighs with the knife and told police they had been attacked by a mystery man .
22 The witnesses told the court since going to the police they 've been intimidated by certain people on the estate .
23 The witnesses told the court since going to the police they 've been intimidated by certain people on the estate .
24 Our two white heavies are too big for the straight-back chairs they 've been tied to .
25 It 's tempting , but probably inadvisable , to accept their statements — often pat slogans they 've been repeating for years — at face value .
26 The broad effect of the Act was to enable societies to offer the extended range of services they had been lobbying for .
27 One indication of that was that at the request of the British , both sides agreed to stop the radio propaganda campaigns they have been waging against each other .
28 He had been sending in listings , even reports , on the gigs they had been running in Birmingham .
29 They posed for photographers at the star-studded show , giving the lie to rumours they had been separated for several weeks .
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