Example sentences of "[noun pl] at the same time as " in BNC.

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1 In a very short period of time the education officer has probably found him/herself in school discussing these very issues with headteachers at the same time as presenting an interpretation of the detailed policy position of the elected members .
2 however , it will suffice to note that this organizational liberty was being developed by Gregory VII and his most active supporters at the same time as Anselm , in relative isolation from ecclesiastical politics during his time at Bec , was developing his own contrasting other-worldly view of the real nature of individual liberty .
3 Like Hornblower , whose temperament was delighting readers with its contradictions at the same time as that of the Quinn adventures , Septimus has adopted certain measures of what could be called self-defence .
4 In the 1960s , the Soviet Union rapidly discovered that its connection with Cuba led to the complication and distortion of its relations with other Latin American nations at the same time as it presented them with new opportunities in the region .
5 There will need to be an assessment of which overseas markets offer the most opportunities at the same time as looking for early signs of local companies being eyed by competitors as ripe for merger or acquisition , forecasting what the effects of this might be on the locality .
6 Notice of proceedings should be served on non-parties at the same time as copy applications are served on the respondents .
7 Not all patients on corticosteroids at the same time as HRT lose bone .
8 In France , fertility decline within marriage began a century earlier , in the 1780s ( Wrigley 1983 ) , without industrialization on the scale of Britain's. furthermore the decline began in many rural areas at the same time as in towns .
9 In the opinion of Books Etc , ‘ this unfair distribution method should now cease , and accordingly , may we please be given the opportunity of subscribing to your complete paperback list and obtain deliveries at the same time as all other bookshops in the UK ? ’
10 A local authority may assess a child 's needs at the same time as it carries out an assessment required under any other statutory provision .
11 Do n't list exceptions at the same time as you discuss particular spellings : acknowledge them but do n't make a fuss about them .
12 Thus the leading wheels ( the outer pair ) begin to move over the curve on the outside rails at the same time as the trailing wheels strike the curve , and the tank remains correctly orientated .
13 This catfish exhibits an usual form of ‘ parental care ’ , not dissimilar to that of the cuckoo — which is infamous for laying its eggs in the nests of other birds and leaving them to be hatched and raised by the involuntary ‘ foster-parents ’ In the case of Synodontis multipunctatus , it swims in and out among mouth-brooding cichlids which are in the throes of spawning and releases its eggs at the same time as the cichlid , whose eggs it often devours .
14 An electoral chain of command pushes orders up so that the people control things at the same time as those in authority are responsible down to the people or to the government of the people .
15 If employees are unable to sell their old properties at the same time as they commit themselves to buying a new one , they may need finance in the form of a bridging loan .
16 Finally , I hope that the hon. Gentleman will remind his colleagues in the shadow Cabinet , including the shadow Chancellor , that they should not advocate major road projects in their constituencies at the same time as the Labour party seeks to impede progress elsewhere in the country .
17 In recent years he had made a point of appeasing the fundamentalists at the same time as co-opting left-wing opposition .
18 The employee top 10 features those companies which are expanding fastest , and it says something for the performance of WPP that it has managed to perform well in eps and return on capital terms at the same time as it has achieved that expansion .
19 A report letter containing supplementary information was sent to centres at the same time as the new catalogue .
20 Whereas the shelter drawings had shown recumbent figures in still poses of monumental vulnerability , in the mines Moore faced new challenges : ‘ There was first the difficulty of seeing forms emerging out of deep darkness , the problem of conveying the claustrophobic effects of countless pit-props … receding into blackness , and of expressing the gritty , grubby smears of black coal-dust on the miners ’ bodies at the same time as the anatomy underneath ’ .
21 For this intarsia collar , follow the written instructions at the same time as following the intarsia chart .
22 The 16-year-olds could play for the juniors at the same time as their fathers turn out for the club 's over-35s team in a national competition .
23 More than 2 megabytes of RAM will be required on the A5000 if you want to run Archimedes programs at the same time as Designaknit .
24 Outlets for the lottery — which could include post offices as well as small shops and newsagents — will sell scratch-off cards for the minor games at the same time as they take the money for the lottery .
25 ( Haydn joined the Freemasons at the same time as Mozart though in a different lodge . )
26 One can hardly say the same about the Post Office which busts a gut licking the boots of its business users at the same time as it cuts the quality of service to residential customers .
27 The firm has been campaigning since November 1991 to receive results at the same time as the Japanese press — a privilege denied it because it is not a member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange press club , where securities companies post earnings announcements in members ' pigeon-holes .
28 And with some new hi-tech gear , British viewers should be able to see the results at the same time as viewers in America .
29 Be careful that you do not continue to reject fields at the same time as getting lower and lower until it is too late either to have any selection or to achieve a good approach .
30 In particular , the Magyar gentry saw themselves placed at a disadvantage compared with German-speakers at the same time as their historic liberties were threatened .
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