Example sentences of "[noun pl] do [vb infin] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Farmers and growers do need to recognise the distinction between food fads , food scares and new concepts of health relating to heart disease , high blood pressure and cancers , ’ says Professor Philip James , who is director of the Rowett Research Institute , Aberdeen , and a member of several government committees on medical aspects of food .
2 From my own experience , service breaks of 15–20 years are not at all unusual , although older candidates do tend to underestimate the value of their past experience , apologising for personal inadequacies which , on further examination , do not exist .
3 Anyway , some Jews did manage to escape the round-ups .
4 If companies do decide to charge the employee interest , the rate is usually bankers ' base rate plus a percentage such as 1 per cent ( at Cadbury Schweppes ) or 1½ per cent ( at Pilkingtons ) .
5 This blunted the edge of their potential impact , though the steady rise in factor prices to nearer market levels in later years did help propel the BEA into more adventurous policies to achieve capital economies and improved fuel efficiencies .
6 The research into investigation of possible child abuse cases demonstrated that these ideas did tend to influence the kinds of questions that were asked , and the way in which ‘ evidence ’ was interpreted .
7 Believe it or not , bachelors do tend to cultivate the art , when it 's a choice of either starving or else eating out every night , which can be very boring after a while .
8 In 1954 a paper given at the Institution of Civil Engineers extolling such actions did pause to admit the existence of a peculiarly modern problem :
9 Yes I I would agree with that but I wondered , I think perhaps it should be the finance committee , I mean cos I understood that most of these these items are contained within the existing budget , because I mean the individual committees do have have the power to the monies within their own , and I it has it I would agree with Peter that if we have gone over and above the that the committee were working to but I understood that that was not the case , so I .
10 I therefore consider that certiorari does lie to review the construction placed upon the statutes by the visitor and that the cross-appeal should be dismissed .
11 Yes , the provos do claim to support the PLO , but the PLO do not support the IRA , as they make clear ; ‘ No connection of any nature has existed , does exist or will exist between the internationally accepted representative of the people of Palestine , the PLO , and the illegal organisation , the IRA ’ .
12 And the comic trippers did get to see the back of rebel Lord Tebbit , a sight that would have made Mr Major grin with relief amid the squabbles .
13 Where private care is offered by private employment agencies , central control is already being exerted under the Employment Agencies Act but local authorities do need to monitor the performance of whatever scheme is being operated and ensure that gaps in provision are identified and filled .
14 while individual ‘ stress-coping ’ strategies do help to alleviate the symptoms of stress , only an organisational approach to reducing stress has a real chance of helping all teachers .
15 These incidences are very rare and actually disposals through the courts do exist using the care facilities which are already available to the local authorities and the secure accommodation .
16 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
17 Many towns had to rely on immigration from the country to maintain even a reduced level of population , and the easing of pressure of population on the land in the country reduced the urge on men to move , although as we have seen in our examination of rural society men did continue to leave the land to escape the burdens of serfdom ( 70 ; 104 , pp.206–10 ; Ch.4 ) .
18 While that argument would beg an important question , on the face of it the marriage laws do seem to promote the function of optimal outbreeding .
19 Some tradesmen did try to mask the screws by covering the countersunk heads with a small disc of velvet .
20 Since there is no appeal against the opinion of the Commission , these findings do appear to exhaust the scope of this particular policy-changing strategy for the time being , though given the interest shown by the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in extending the right of conscientious objection , a change in the provisions of the Convention itself can not be entirely ruled out .
21 Regardless of whether they include direct ancestors or not , the carpoids do serve to demonstrate the likelihood of evolutionary links between chordates — including vertebrates — and the echinoderms .
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