Example sentences of "[noun pl] that had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Motion pictures were to develop into the great mass entertainment of the twentieth century but they had first been shown in the cities of the late nineteenth century and both as an industry and as a social activity they were never to lose characteristics that had been determined at their birth .
2 The confounding factors were patients ' characteristics that had been shown to be predictive of increased perinatal risk .
3 No degranulation was noted in either transection or resection animals that had been treated with CR-1409 , but incipient vacuolation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was a feature of all CR-1409 treated tissues as well as those of the PSBR group ( Fig 8 ) .
4 Mr Hyde also provided ACCOUNTANCY with a list of 18 KPMG , PKF and Haines Watts offices that had been listed on the system at one time or another .
5 The black eyes that had been sparkling with good humour a moment before had become hard , almost angry .
6 I even wore those same trainers that had been glued to my feet for four and a half months .
7 It was connected with the Marshall Aid fund at the end of the war , er where the United States actually wanted evidence of the fact that funds that had been transferred to the U K Treasury , were being so to speak properly used by the Bank of England and that the Bank of England issued this er one million pound note as evidence that the funds were made available to the Bank of England by the Treasury .
8 She lost pearls that had been given to her for her 21st birthday .
9 We had a stable rate base for a long time and we saw no reason to doubt that there was anything untoward in the ratings that had been made within our borough .
10 Though there had been some concern as to what the world 's reaction would be , Wilson had smoothed it over with assurances that the world community could n't deny that America had the right to protect the few hundred of its citizens in Haiti , and to defend the various mining and import/export concessions that had been granted to them .
11 It comes from RHM Research and it shows how the company rescued valuable 16th and 17th century books that had been waterlogged in a flood at Sudbury Hall in Derbyshire .
12 We killed time by looking at classic cars that had been driven by classic car ‘ lovers ’ as they called themselves all the way from southern Italy .
13 ‘ Although only heaven or more probably hell knows why I must , ’ he murmured unevenly , apparently as an addendum to the words that had been dragged from him just before he kissed her .
14 Mr Suzuki 's flourishes merely echoed and embellished words that had been uttered with signal prescience almost exactly eighty years before , by John Hay .
15 The circulation of native-language newspapers , for instance , was increasing more rapidly than that of Russian-language newspapers in Central Asia ; the local languages were being purged of the Russian loan words that had been imported during the 1930s and 1940s ; and the indigenous intelligentsia was showing little sign of relinquishing its national self-consciousness .
16 Pearson made no fewer than eight quota films in one year at Julius Hagen 's Twickenham Studios , where one small stage was occupied around the clock , and pictures that had been scripted in a fortnight were filmed in another two weeks .
17 He rattled the necklace of shells that had been wound around her neck .
18 He glanced out at a gang of starlings fighting over some breadcrumbs that had been tossed on the lawn .
19 Schools that had been established by a church body ( or occasionally a trust ) became voluntary schools , of which there are three types : ‘ aided ’ , ‘ controlled ’ and ‘ special agreement ’ , differing mainly in the extent to which the LEA finances and controls them .
20 Quite a large sum of money was created partly out of existing funds ( of LEA ) which were to support in-service in schools that had been identified by some kind of functional group in the school …
21 The US White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater had meanwhile ( according to Le Monde of March 26 ) said that it would not be sufficient for Libya to hand the two men over to the Arab League ; Libya had to comply with all the demands that had been referred to in Resolution 731 [ see ICJ verdict below ] .
22 The grave doubts that had been cast upon the validity of marginal productivity theory in the late 1930s-doubts which Keynes himself had come to share , albeit reluctantly — had made very little impression on the literature .
23 Many of the shapes that had been developed in the Early Minoan nevertheless continued in use , especially the one-handled cup and the jar with a short spout on its shoulder , bridged by the rim .
24 This role may have been rather a disappointment to both sides , as General Gallagher said when he got back from Hanoi , although by opposing the clearance of wartime US mines that had been laid in Haiphong harbour , thus preventing an early return of French troopships , Gallagher seems to have come down rather heavily on the Vietminh side .
25 Others went their own way , delving farther into the secrets that had been revealed to them , living in the deep woods of the high crags , visited by petitioners who sought aid .
26 The Conservative government elected in 1979 inherited a number of urban policies that had been initiated by the Labour government between 1977 and 1979 , and that are discussed in Chapter 3 .
27 Immediately these men destroyed the houses that had been built on the land .
28 For the Victoria and Albert exhibition , ‘ The Destruction of the Country House ’ , Peter Reid compiled a list of more than 1,200 houses that had been demolished in the preceding century .
29 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
30 David Pannick , QC , for Continental , told the judge the case raised a matter of general public importance concerning the powers of a Secretary of State to restrict reception of satellite broadcasting programmes that had been transmitted from other European Community member states .
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