Example sentences of "[noun pl] that has been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , there is the important class of solutions that has been obtained by Ferrari , Ibañez and Bruni ( 1987 a , b ) using the inverse scattering method developed by Belinskii and Zakharov ( 1978 , 1979 ) and Carr and Verdaguer ( 1983 ) .
2 Clean the test tube , add the right amount of chemical according to the textbook instructions , heat it up , watch the colour change on the litmus paper , a straightforward sequence of steps that has been performed by thousands before us and will be repeated by as many after .
3 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
4 For , in common with every William Osborne lifeboat , a small mascot lives in the wheelhouse — presented by employees of the yard to illustrate their commitment and the part of their lives that has been put into the boat .
5 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
6 In practice this often meant that immature minds would take over Leavis 's own evaluations without relating them to their own experience of literature , resulting in the diffusion of callow or inept judgements that has been condemned from the right by C. S. Lewis and from the left by Catherine Belsey .
7 A link with the literary house Meulenhoff Nederland is one of the possibilities that has been talked about in the Dutch trade .
8 In these few words we may only point to the kaleidoscope of enthusiasm and activity by secondees that has been generated across the country in such a short space of time .
9 In return , he receives a mailing list of ‘ pass ’ names that has been screened against a scorecard , pre-programmed criteria , geo-demographic profiles , credit behaviour and segmented .
10 This risks ruining an elaborate network of foreign-trade partners that has been built on trust .
11 The study complements and builds on the work , mainly on urban and industrial populations that has been conducted in the course of the Scottish Social Structure project developed in the Department of Sociology and the Research Centre for Social Sciences since 1980 .
12 Translation of the concepts in a search profile will involve consultation of the thesaurus , classification scheme ( or its index ) or list of subject headings that has been used in constructing the index to be searched .
13 Moreover , almost everyone already has a firm mental picture of the American police that has been acquired from a lifetime 's film- and television-viewing .
14 The capped level , or whatever we like to call it , is the criteria that has been established by the Secretary of State , and he has said it is five per cent beyond the standard spending level and he says if Councils spend beyond that then he is liable to introduce his capping legislation and
15 Can anyone wonder that disbelief and despondency settled upon many schools in time to give way to anger and protest at the possibility of carrying out tasks that has been imposed on them under impossible conditions .
16 The distributed aspect contrasts sharply with the lumped nature of circuit representation of discrete components that has been adopted in all networks considered so far .
17 The same idea can be used with contingency tables , but the effects are usually derived by making comparisons not with a typical value such as the grand median but with one of the categories that has been chosen as the base for comparison .
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