Example sentences of "[noun pl] that have [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Since these results are obtained in animals that have been living in a normal environment , they mean that the clock originates , at least in these animals , from an abnormal ‘ internal ’ structure , the chromosome .
2 It challenges some of the teaching methods that have been used in recent years and it suggests that schools should concentrate on commonsense , practical teaching .
3 It comes from RHM Research and it shows how the company rescued valuable 16th and 17th century books that had been waterlogged in a flood at Sudbury Hall in Derbyshire .
4 The techniques of display , enhancement , filtering and transformation of remotely-sensed images that have been described in this chapter represent only a selection of those available .
5 Say you 've got a report about a small red car , and you want to compare it with all the other small red cars that have been reported in the area .
6 IF YOU watch television and listen to news-readers , leaders of industry , pop-bawlers and ‘ presenters ’ , you could make a whole glossary of words that have been shortened in the interests of inarticulacy and idleness .
7 Pearson made no fewer than eight quota films in one year at Julius Hagen 's Twickenham Studios , where one small stage was occupied around the clock , and pictures that had been scripted in a fortnight were filmed in another two weeks .
8 In view of doubts that have been raised in the House and elsewhere , may I ask for clarification on whether the Privileges Committee is free to consider the role of the Secretary of State for Health and senior officials in his Department and , most important , the role of the parliamentary private secretary to the Secretary of State , the hon. Member for Esher ( Mr. Taylor ) ?
9 This makes the precedents that have been set in America important to anyone who is interested in playing the market .
10 Many of the shapes that had been developed in the Early Minoan nevertheless continued in use , especially the one-handled cup and the jar with a short spout on its shoulder , bridged by the rim .
11 This role may have been rather a disappointment to both sides , as General Gallagher said when he got back from Hanoi , although by opposing the clearance of wartime US mines that had been laid in Haiphong harbour , thus preventing an early return of French troopships , Gallagher seems to have come down rather heavily on the Vietminh side .
12 We have traditional defences on , for example , diminished responsibility which allow murder to be reduced to manslaughter , or defences introduced in Acts that have been passed in the last couple of years .
13 We shall start with a description of the banking system , and then proceed to consider the types of monetary policies that have been used in recent years , and their effects .
14 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
15 The accumulated evidence of measurements of statistical quantities ( including conditional sampling , Section 19.6 ) , flow visualization , and numerical experiments ( Section 25.5 ) supports this inference for all flows that have been investigated in depth .
16 In the various judgments that have been made in the High Court by Mr. Justice Brown , no contempt was found against officials or my hon. Friend for what is called phase 1 and phase 2 .
17 It is often said that the quantitative increase in Trident firepower is to accommodate , or seek to pierce , the anti-ballistic missile defences that have been established in the Soviet Union .
18 For the Victoria and Albert exhibition , ‘ The Destruction of the Country House ’ , Peter Reid compiled a list of more than 1,200 houses that had been demolished in the preceding century .
19 Meantime , do n't throw away the sloes that have been steeping in the gin ; use them instead to make a wicked fruit pie with the bitter taste of sloe sweetened by the addition of sugar .
20 I wish that the hon. Gentleman and his colleagues would stop running down the improvements that have been made in the national health service .
21 The photographer had long since gone , but Kevin Seymour and I pored over the yacht 's considerable folio of charts while we discussed in detail the cruises that have been sketched in so lightly in the previous paragraphs .
22 Both cheeses are slightly unusual in as much as they are made with cooked curds that have been heated in the whey for about 30min before being drained .
23 The regiment 's uniforms had orange facings that had been chosen in honour of King William III .
24 The only sites that have been provided in the last six years is one at Hinksey Hill , nothing else .
25 The form tutor can well can build in a lot of good practises that have been built in
26 Dr Baltimore said the same thing — and repeated it in an article published in the summer of 1989 , arguing that ‘ the errors that have been identified in the Cell paper were inconsequential to the conclusions . ’
27 Golden shares will prevent the French water companies that have been investing in the British water industry from bidding outright for five years .
28 However , according to Zakrewski the government has ruled that the duty-free import quotas will only be divided up among home-grown or foreign companies that have been assembling in Poland for two years , while other firms will face levies at the old rates .
29 While you can buy a 50p leaflet and walk round the town yourself , looking for the small metal footsteps that have been placed in significant sites , it 's much more rewarding to go with one of the town 's Cadfael experts , like Esme Green .
30 Erm , to congratulate you firstly on the level of settlements that have been achieved in the extracting and building conc building products division erm secondly , on , on one six seven the refused to make an offer and , er , if you could perhaps update us as to what , er method we 're gon na approach employers now , erm , to , to secure settlements in that industry er , we think it was deplorable that no offer was made and we also think it was deplorable that E C C Building Products decided to say that even if an offer had been made , they would n't have been prepared to implement it .
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