Example sentences of "[pers pn] came out [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I came out of the forces , he was only waiting for the time that I came out , for him to retire .
2 He hung on until I came out and I was given embarkation leave or demob leave rather and I did n't even have a chance to have that , they wanted me down there so quickly , I think I came out of the forces one week and I was working down there the following week because was way past his retiring age .
3 You know the steep hill at , at erm between Martlesham and Woodbridge , you know as you left Martlesham you went down that steep hill down to the erm the pub at the bottom of the hill where you came out on the looks to me as if the new road misses that altogether
4 She came out of the marshes , and she was grey all over grey hair , grey face , grey rags and tatters and all mired and spattered , besides , from the marsh mud .
5 When we came out of the trees , I saw the house from the other side .
6 After a long walk we came out between the dunes and were staring at the sea .
7 He thought , privately , that they might be very glad of the horses , because they might find that they came out of the Workshops much faster than they went in , but he did not say this .
8 It was noon before they had completed the morning 's tasks , and as they came out from the buildings to go across to the house , the snow had ceased to fall .
9 Charles had his own household to deal with his affairs which he had brought together when he came out of the forces .
10 When he came out of the forces at the end of the Second World War , Billy bought 260 acres ( 105 hectares ) to farm at Dudwa .
11 He came out of the bedclothes and said , ‘ While I 'm laid up like this , why do n't you do a few concerts on your own ? ’
12 His friend , Norman Prescott told Liverpool Crown Court that when he came out of the Horns Inn in Lowton Road , Golbourne , he later found Mr Maltby , 30 , lying on the ground and helped him up .
13 Crossly , he came out of the bushes and searched around for a dock leaf .
14 ‘ I saw Mick and Jerry two days before it came out in the papers and they seemed absolutely fine , ’ he says .
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