Example sentences of "[pers pn] might be [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I might be starting at Crewe or Rochdale , but I might end up at the top . ’
2 no , I might be going to London
3 I believe she was afraid she might be rejected by Martin .
4 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
5 She was under control when , in pleasant tones , she stated , ‘ To be more exact , I 'd intended to speak to Lubor to enquire if he 'd any idea when you might be returning from Prague . ’
6 I had no idea when we might be going to Dili , so I was unable to time my campaign , to know when to bring it to a climax , to know when I could afford to cool things down , to be nice to her , for I did n't want to be thrown out of the house there and then , did I ?
7 Christ 's example is not that of helping us across a road , or showing us what good neighbours we must be — but costly , redemptive , self-emptying love ; love which lays down its life for others so that they might be restored to God .
8 Er there 's a book , which I do n't think is on your list but it might be called By Thorn and Henley er which might be worth looking at .
9 For example , the stockbroker AJ Bekhor refuted any suggestion that it might be merging with Harvard Securities .
10 Although it might be construed in England as a joint papal and royal dissolution of a religious order and its houses , the statute of 1324 in waiving the king 's rights over the forfeited property omitted all mention of a papal grant to the Hospitallers and thus left on the statute book an impression of autonomous royal action .
11 He might be posted to Indo-China , I suppose .
12 He might be staying at Southampton , Long Island , with an American newspaper tycoon , or visiting distant American cousins at Newport .
13 There was a reasonable chance that he might be released from St Elizabeth 's : Eliot himself suggested a private sanatorium , to be followed by a retreat in California or New Mexico .
14 I thought he might be going to Canon Wheeler 's . ’
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