Example sentences of "[pers pn] still [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although deep-freezing has revolutionised the way food is preserved , with some kinds of fish I still prefer the old method of salting and sun drying .
2 I still get a slight sense of light and darkness , but that 's all .
3 I still get a childish kick out of pretending that I am a wide-eyed seal who thinks only to play .
4 ‘ And then , although the other horrors faded , I still saw the dead body lying there .
5 It 's for that reason that I still support the original line which was to merge the centres with a common management structure headed by a single head of the project .
6 I still remember the dirty liquid in my school test tube suddenly turning a brilliant turquoise , then shocking pink and then back to grey all in the space of a few seconds .
7 I still remain a wee bit puzzled as to why we do n't try to recruit more than one member in any one large organisation , eg the exclusion of Scottish Power people simply because we have a [ Stewart ] member already .
8 Next morning I cleaned up the vomit and got myself ready for school but I still had a nasty taste in my mouth and I was hot and achey .
9 Despite this I still had a strong impression that the Principal was clearly in control of the centre and that he would be unlikely to tolerate breaches of the rules .
10 I still had a formless feeling that she understood me where my mother did not .
11 The problem was that I still had a Jamaican passport and to run in a major meeting like that it was necessary to become a British subject .
12 Frustrating it was , but somehow I still had a good night out .
13 No , that would be a false contrivance and anyway I still had a mad hope of catching that five-thirty ferry to Stornoway .
14 I was not keen to go yet because I still had a vivid memory of that hand .
15 On impulse I picked up the phone and rang her , hoping I still had the right number .
16 I still had an enormous block when I tried to think of John as a hostage .
17 A retired postman who claimed to have been present at the Battle of Studley Constable was interviewed on television , and I still receive the occasional letter from Germans and Americans claiming that fathers or uncles had been at the ‘ battle ’ .
18 Thirty years later my volunteering instinct has come through intact but I still mistrust the American Air Force .
19 I then went on to an Orion double bed , followed by a pink Passap ; I still wanted a single bed for speed — we ran a guest house and I was deprived of all knitting during the summer months .
20 I am no less interested to observe that , for Eliot , who always seemed unhurried , ‘ there is plenty of time ’ could mean a period of not much more than three weeks for reading ( the Strachey book being pretty long ) , writing typing and dispatching : which , given the fact that Spender 's book had not arrived , that I was teaching all day and conducting some evening classes , I still consider a tight fit .
21 Even if I were a man of deep sensibility and tact — and it sounds pretty wimpish to me ! — I still needed a good night 's sleep .
22 ‘ Their talent has matured and , although I still love the early stuff , everything since has got better and better .
23 And yet I still have no dogmatic faith .
24 Paul Mellon : The book has n't in any way curtailed my privacy because I still have the same life ; I still have people to answer the telephone ; I still have a private airplane and my travel plans are unannounced ; and I lead my own life .
25 It was good to see a reference in your magazine to valve amplification ( EW + WW August 1991 ) , but I still have a certain frustration that you may be able to help me with .
26 Why , I still have a long workout in my net every morning even before our first cuppa ginseng .
27 I still have a great deal to learn .
28 Now I still have a large family composed of the family I was born into ( some of it ) and also of a family of friends , sisters , brothers , mothers and children that I have chosen .
29 He said : ‘ I still have a soft spot for Arsenal .
30 And how deeply she wished she could feel the confidence impressed upon her voice as she added with forced lightness , ‘ Apart from any other consideration , I still have a wet dog to find . ’
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