Example sentences of "[pers pn] 're in [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , you 're in the same choir
2 Also it is a common feature of course that you need to order the resources , that you have the resource in terms of people or the economy or the armed forces , you need to order those resources to try to achieve your ends erm and we 'll look at that later , the aims that you 're going for in foreign policy so they 're common , that you 're in the same environment , that you 've got to m er whatever the resources you have you have to try to organize them to achieve your ends and so on .
3 But surely , when you 're in the same profession , ‘ knowing exactly ’ can mean knowing too much , and feelings of rivalry , jealousy , even over-familiarity , must get in the way ?
4 No , we 're in the same line of business . ’
5 ‘ Because we 're in the same line of business , you mean ? ’
6 do it the same time because we 're in the same class and speak to all the same people and we 'd get all the same results
7 We 're in the same ship , ’ Rozanov said .
8 ‘ I do think it helps that we 're in the same profession .
9 After all , we 're in the same profession — caring for the health and welfare of animals .
10 We 're in the same business , ’ I said , and told him about my Mickey Mouse job .
11 They 're in the same drawer as the memos .
12 You were talking earlier about er applying the lessons learned here from the tornado programme to Eurofighter , surely the best way of doing so is to involve the same people , they 're in the same building .
13 They 're in the same room .
14 See if they 're in the same file and two different bits two places on the file .
15 So leave a space so er usually a page , a whole blank page in between your answers if they 're in the same booklet Now that 's very true .
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