Example sentences of "[pers pn] 're [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Oh you want to walk on that , oh Charlotte come on then , you 're pushing me into the road .
2 You 're pushing me to the limit , ’ she whispered , cringing into the brocade settle and holding her drink in front of her defensively .
3 You 're pushing me in the direction of flattery again , ’ he said softly .
4 If you 're leaving it to the experts , tell your hairdresser EVERYTHING about your hair such as :
5 whether you 're dropping it on the putting the acid to the the alkal the the metal , the alkali , the base or the carbonate , the salt is always a salt of the acid .
6 You 're breaking me on the rack of your virtue . ’
7 So you 're ploughing everything into the business at this moment
8 But that still does n't tell me why you 're wearing them in the first place , does it ? ’ she grinned .
9 Normally you would n't be seen dead doing a knees bend keeping your back straight , but if you 're getting something off the bottom shelf you wo n't look ridiculous at all .
10 Carbohydrates provide a good energy supply for the body as they 're converted into glucose , but make sure you 're eating it in the right forms .
11 ‘ Often the man is the only breadwinner and without him the family has to rely on state benefits — the social security system can be horrendous if you 're using it for the first time .
12 part of the documentation I received , so I presume you 're extracting it from the H and T report of the second of July nineteen ninety two .
13 Well you 're measuring it in the opposite direction to the way you 're measuring X.
14 And I think that is the message which I want to get over to you , because if you can find that way to tread that difficult line which is there in our society which is over-protective , over-secretive , which is concerned about not not letting people unless they 're of a certain rank , level or certain job , speak out publicly unless you can break through it I think you 're actually , first of all , denying something for yourselves , and that you 're denying something for the public at large .
15 You 're burying her in the wrong grave . ’
16 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
17 so if you 're putting it in the second half of the second term
18 So tell me , if the business my grandmother started several decades ago really is on the brink of insolvency , how come you 're sunning yourself in the Caribbean , Mr Sterne ?
19 Being apart all week means you 're doing none of the things young married couples normally do — building up a joint lifestyle , going out , having friends around and generally enjoying yourselves together .
20 You 're doing it for the child she 's foisting on you .
21 Well that thing 's pretty easy if you 're doing it on the beach but what if you 're out in the water and it suddenly gusts up .
22 so like perhaps , say six weeks you 're doing it on the voluntary basis
23 It 's only to create an impression when you 're doing it in the day time .
24 you , you 're doing it in the same room
25 We 're taking you in the car . ’
26 Every other day we 're using it at the moment .
27 But I think we 're seeing something in the Forest side we have n't see for what twelve fourteen years are we .
28 We 're robbing them from the wild , and including Africa with all this nonsense about saving them from culls , it 's it 's
29 yeah and that 's the problem with this sort of whatever sort of watch you wanted to do , unless unless we encourage and get the backing of the troops on the ground we 're kicking ourselves in the teeth
30 In the ground attack side we 're comparing it to the jaguar that it 'll replace , the harrier G R seven and also the tornado G R four and then in the multi-role arena for air defence , air superiority and attack we 're comparing our aircraft against the French Raphall the American F eighteen E which is the the future variant of the F eighteen , the F fifteen E , the multi-role but primarily air to surface machine and also the F sixteen C. Those are the ones we 're currently looking at .
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