Example sentences of "[pers pn] down [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So how can they close them down without the say-so of the people of this country ?
2 up until just six years ago crews unhappy about the weight of their cox would bring them down into the brewery for a spot of heavy labour — shovelling mash , to get their weight down .
3 She waited until the first few bars of the signature tune started to play , then unclipped her headphones and set them down on the desk with a sharp clatter before starting to gather up the stack of notes .
4 Or else you sort of jotted them down at the back of your mind , you know , to think about them later , but you never remembered , or you did but it was too late , they 'd gone , your head was full of other things . ’
5 When Nigel learned of their whereabouts , he began to hunt them down with the aid of his yeomen .
6 Japan said that it intended to build up its military forces to a high level so that it could cut them down in the interests of peace .
7 Yeah the thing is I 've got ta write them down in the order in which they appear .
8 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
9 To the community at Canterbury he was a saintly but somewhat ineffective archbishop , who had let them down in the matter of the primacy of their church .
10 We used to chop them down in the slaughterhouse on two pulleys , you see .
11 Oh he 's terrible there , he even had them he had young girls working for him up there , and they found out they were paying he was paying them too little and then he got caught up with 'em , and erm what he done after he charged for taking them up there in the morning and charged 'em for taking them down in the evening with a Land Rover .
12 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
13 Right , I was subject to a , an assault that was quite frightening erm in that I was working in a shop on my own and er someone came into the shop and locked the door behind me and tried er to pull me down towards the back of the shop and er apart from being very frightened I find it difficult to accept that I was just an innocent victim , I kept making excuses that this person who did it to me did n't mean to frighten me he , only could n't communicate that he , he , he said it eventually when I managed to fight him off he said , I just wanted to give you a kiss and er I find it very difficult and I had to be forced to go to the police erm to tell them about this because I thought you know its just a misunderstanding and , but it was terrifying
14 The last leg took me down through the fringes of the Forest of Dean along a narrowing spur .
15 As Glumdalclitch was ill , I asked a young servant to take me down to the beach for some fresh air .
16 ‘ I wondered if you would drive me down to the town in the van . ’
17 Maybe you 'd walk me down to the Shelbourne for a taxi ? ’ he asked Jack .
18 I could see the beginning of cloud formations in the far west that looked as though they might thicken up and , since I wanted to get some shots of the Cove while the light was still good , I set off by Water Sinks , where the water from the Tarn sinks and does n't reappear again until some miles down the valley at Aire Head , and followed the footpath that would take me west of Watlowes dry valley and bring me down to the Cove by the pasture land above the Pennine Way .
19 Tell you what erm when we get into you can just drop me down to the greengrocer near the church because I 'm out of erm spring onions and if I wanted to add up to that bit of salad that we 've got
20 One day Glumdalclitch put me down on the grass in the palace garden , while she went for a walk with some of the Queen 's ladies .
21 The problem was finally solved by fixing a wire to my ankle and running it under the rock to an aqualunged diver , who on a signal from Stuart would tug on the wire and pull me down with the speed of an express lift , and would let go when my face turned blue .
22 IF I tell you that this is the perfect time to go out and buy a record deck , you will no doubt put me down as the sort of person who invested heavily in Betamax video , eight-track tape and the Sinclair C5 : a sucker for doomed formats .
23 ‘ Well , get your best friend to take you home , ’ said the first constable , ‘ or we might have to take you down to the station for the good of your health . ’
24 ‘ We 're taking you down to the Pacific for a bathe , ’ I told her .
25 Sister Maria Palmer said , ‘ Tomorrow , I 'll have you down to the dispensary for a thorough check , Colonel . ’
26 They are greedy for Humans , the sidh , and if they can once trap you with their music they will carry you down to the caves beneath the sea and steal one of your five senses and tear out your soul . ’
27 ‘ I 'll see you down at the river at three o'clock .
28 We were expecting you down at the Man in the Moon .
29 Once you 're at the summit descend by the more popular Miners ' Path which will take you down across the causeway over Llyn Llydaw and finishes up at Pen-y-pass at the top of the Llanberis Pass .
30 ‘ She 'll drag you down into the gutter with her , Dane — but if that 's all you want from life , then damn you . ’
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