Example sentences of "[pers pn] down [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And we had four casters in the works and I had to go and sort out the , I 'll tell you about the find the castings that these men wanted for their lot , take them down to the castors and tell them in priority which I wanted , you know and er all that sort of thing and erm I had n't used to do any , making any locks hardly at the end , you know I had , I had before but er if I might say so , er I became mo the most important man on the factory , you know .
2 The castle 's black-cloaked seneschal had scowled darkly on the previous occasions when Quiss had tracked him down in the kitchens and asked him what was going on and what he intended to do about it ; he made dour excuses and talked of the corrosive effects of salt water and what a mess it made of his pipes and anyway materials were very hard to come by these days — What days ?
3 In the later seventeenth century a French duke turned it down on the grounds that his father , by holding it , had accumulated debts of 200,000 livres .
4 Hollywood would turn it down on the grounds that it held no street credibility .
5 John Major is understood to have offered her a junior minister 's job at the Home Office , but she turned it down on the grounds that it was not sufficiently senior .
6 For more than a hundred and fifty years , the wily Scots continued to distil their whisky , smuggling it down to the towns and cities , and outwitting the hated excise officers and revenue men , who are today the stuff of legend .
7 I would send it swooping over and under hers , or dive it down to the sands while I stood on a dune cliff , pulling the kite down to nick tall towers of sand I 'd built , then pulling up again , the kite trailing a spray of sand through the air from the collapsing tower .
8 The chemist drew a chair from his dispensary at the rear of the shop and put it down beside the soaps and talcum powders , the bath salts and the loofahs .
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