Example sentences of "[pers pn] 've [verb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've to see them at the bank shortly — there 's that Buttering to be fixed , and no money for it wi'out they 'll give me a loan . ’
2 But I 've seen them on the pictures .
3 Well I 've seen them on the l lawn so that
4 mm , I 've seen them on the front that 's all yeah , mm
5 I 've seen them at the shop , paying their bills .
6 I 've seen them with the tiles .
7 I 've seen them in the fashion magazines and I must say , they sure are special .
8 That shop , I do n't know what the name of that shop is , but I 've seen them in the window lately
9 They 've had a very busy summer in the Admissions Office , but now the new academic year is underway , I 've invited them into the studio to ask them about this year 's admissions .
10 Telesales er telephone erm I have sold products obviously without the customer even seeing me , I 've sold them over the phone .
11 But I met a man on the road to the other village — I 've pursued them over the mountain from Keswick and you know the road divides two ways — and he swore they had come this way . ’
12 So er when I found out about this I 've equipped them with a er
13 I thought we 'd got those books , I 've put them in the cupboard have n't I ?
14 Oh I 've put them in the drawer , top drawer , the er kitchen drawer
15 Oh , I 've , I 've got them at the chemist , that E forty five ,
16 But if I give some names to Mr next week I think yes well I 've got them at the music later today so I can ask them then .
17 So I was going to rummage through these slides and we do n't have them , erm so I 'll have to , I 'll hand the , the , the book around in just one minute , erm the poems that I 'm going to read to you , very few of them are actually complete , most of them are sketches erm ideas and images of erm , that I 've got , I 've , I 've got them from the paintings .
18 Now you can see Body Shop 's here , I 've got them in a nice box now .
19 But if I 'm if kids are giving me work first thing in the morning and I 've got them in the afternoon they 're gon na expect it to be marked !
20 So erm I I I 've got them in the back of of what type of strategy you should .
21 But we 've also had an artist from the Art Week event , which the Rainforest Festival overlaps with going into a chosen school , with a member of Friends of the Earth , we give them a talk about rainforest , and they do the , I do n't know if you 've seen them in the buses , the sort of advertising slots , we 've got 80 of those slots on the buses throughout the rainforest festival , and the children are actually drawing pictures for them .
22 ‘ In this case it 's because they believe you 've tricked them over the supposed disappearance of Clarion Call .
23 Shuffling all those bodies about to get it all nice and tidy , I think would not only be an enormous exercise , it would be a waste of time , because people do n't stay fixed in aspic once you 've placed them in the right place ; they change , they progress , they regress or whatever .
24 do you see what I mean , right , sit and re-question close , right you can close them on ee do you want to include the extra window for two hundred pound , you follow me you 've hit them with a price you want to close them , right and you sit and do the paperwork and you just say to them do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds because you 've already said to them you , you give an extra , do you follow me ?
25 Can I ask you how you 've provided them with the data to actually produce the erm
26 But you , you 've got them on the report , we could just write the arrears amount
27 Not them other little things cos they know you 've got them at the school .
28 So you can see when you get these two people together , it can be very difficult if you 've got them in a team .
29 No you 've got them in the bag .
30 You know it 's in in the form that we 've done them in the past .
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