Example sentences of "[pers pn] should be [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The statement went on to give full support to APEX 's decision to limit the number of pickets ; the TUC wished to stress to all trade unionists that any action by them should be at the union 's official request .
2 I should be on a golf course really !
3 I should be over the moon ; instead … ’
4 Surely I should be over the field in no time .
5 So hopefully by the erm , I should be in a position by the next Council meeting , to report that we should be in a position to be up and running on the seventeenth of January .
6 ‘ I 'm sick of reading that I should be in the England side .
7 I should be in the way , ’ he said firmly .
8 But I should be in the way from here on .
9 You should be on the look-out for any grammatical or contextual clues which are being used to signal different senses of the meaning , and which are automatically understood by the native speaker .
10 One the Sun enters the sensitive and secretive sign of Scorpio on the 24rd , new sights , scenes and associations beckon and if not this month then certainly next , you should be on the threshold of some quite remarkable and far-reaching changes on all fronts .
11 You should be on the stage right now .
12 ‘ I think you should be off the deaf-aid now , ’ asserted Wallas Ward righteously .
13 But by the end of this series you should be in a position to find the right horse at a fair price — and that 's what every horse buyer should be aiming for . .
14 So , for instance , you should be in a position to refer the client to sources of further help and advice , whether that be for other types of professional services , counselling or a victim support group .
15 As soon as you receive replies to requisitions , you should be in a position to prepare a report on title for any mortgagee for whom you act , as is commonly required by any but a private mortgagee ; you ca n't usually do so before , because until you have had satisfactory replies you ca n't certify that the title is good .
16 Puppies , like children , will enjoy playing out-of-doors when the weather is fine , but you should be in the vicinity to supervise the proceedings .
17 But you should be in the studios talking about records that are being made , or in the import shops , writing about important albums that are n't available here yet .
18 I said listen , I said if it 's private I said you should be in the office !
19 Highbrook will be at longer odds than she should be as a result of her defeat last time out at Newmarket .
20 Better she should be with a youngster nearer her own age than with him , who anyway fancied Rose Hilaire .
21 MAX : She should be at the dentist 's all day tomorrow .
22 ‘ P'raps she should be in a strait-waistcoat tomorrow , ’ said the attendant .
23 That 'll sort of give you erm , where we should be at the minute .
24 We should be at the château just in time for breakfast . ’
25 We should be on the steps right in front of the door . ’
26 We should be on the side of the ordinary people irrespective of what the multinationals want . ’
27 Had Germany taken the ‘ purist ’ line after the war , we should be without the wonders of Bruchsal and the Residenz at Wurzburg , and the great churches of Nurnberg would look like the clean , well-designed — but totally anaemic - interiors of those in Kassel and Stuttgart .
28 President we should be under no illusion that this reactionary government will continue to attack local government to attack local to attack local government our public services are at the mercy of the fast-buck merchants within the private contractors who are bidding for council services .
29 We should be in every land and in every government , moral supermen who would eradicate all demagogy , an self-seeking politicians , reaction , chauvinism .
30 But feasibility studies have been carried out and we should be in a position to act when we know what is expected . ’
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