Example sentences of "[pers pn] also [verb] [adv prt] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She also pointed out that a considerable sum is raised for charity by the festival .
2 They also point out that no action has been taken against their bowlers by any of England 's leading umpires .
3 They also point out that the excessive amounts of sugar in some brands could also be harmful to older babies ' teeth .
4 They also pointed out that the alternative would not ‘ plug into ’ the east coast rail lines from King 's Cross unless an expensive underground link was built from Stratford into central London .
5 However , although the National Consumer Council concluded that such schemes do make a very real contribution , and also make possible extra journeys and excursions which would not be provided by fully routed bus services , they also pointed out that the schemes could not provide a complete answer to accessibility problems in rural areas .
6 It also turns out that a single fibre can carry many signals at the same time ( more will be said about this in Part 10 ) .
7 It also turns out that the ratio of proportions is rather cumbersome to handle when dealing with many variables at once , and no-one has yet proposed a way of decomposing it into component effects as they have with d s and with measures based on odds .
8 It also turned out that the 142s in Cornwall , and indeed those in Manchester to a lesser extent , suffered high wheel wear .
9 He also points out that a commitment to equality implies also a commitment to a state which will push everybody around until they are equal — Procrustes was a figure in Greek mythology who forced all those he came across to become the same height , either by chopping bits off or by using a rack to stretch their legs .
10 He also points out that the expedition led by himself and Clark had assembled ‘ the best people , worldwide , and the top people ca n't afford to stand around for a couple of years waiting for research to happen ’ .
11 He also points out that the expedition led by himself and Clark had assembled ‘ the best people , worldwide , and the top people ca n't afford to stand around for a couple of years waiting for research to happen ’ .
12 Will he also point out that the only threat to the progress being made in the duchy comes from those who propose the introduction of a national minimum wage , and the abolition of competitive tendering and charging in the NHS ?
13 He also pointed out that the apparently prodigious appetites of the clergy might be explained by the droves of tourists and worshippers who ate at Vatican restaurants .
14 He also pointed out that the Nile , if it flooded , might well drown a greater number of people than all the refugees .
15 However , he also pointed out that the government 's policy of combining " actions of immediate relief with medium-term rehabilitation " was starting to show results , the distribution of seeds and tools to displaced people allowing them to produce at least some of their own food .
16 And he also pointed out that the three detectives were going to claim in their defence that the Birmingham Six were guilty all along .
17 He also found out that a delegation of architects was being organized to congratulate Palmerston on his classical stance .
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