Example sentences of "[pers pn] could not [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was something so endearing I could n't speak for a moment .
2 The they used to the Non-conformists whether or not I could n't speak for the Church of England but er there 'd be a lot go you know i in the evening there 'd be several hundred at every one of these places , and there was , there 'd be , ooh four or five Non=conformist places in in .
3 Erm , well I I could n't speak for the latter two programmes cos I do n't know enough about the arrangements there but I have got a a fair amount of knowledge on both tornado and Eurofighter .
4 I could n't wait for the pictures to come out , I was so excited to see them .
5 great , I could n't wait For the life of Mrs
6 I could n't wait for the air raids .
7 I could n't wait for the bell to ring at four in the afternoon when class would end and I could bang my lid for the last time before running all the way down the Whitechapel Road to help out on the barrow .
8 My monthly insurance payment worked out at £18.20 , but I could n't qualify for the Denplan scheme until the necessary work had been carried out to make my mouth dentally fit .
9 I could n't ask for a more caring and loving bunch of people .
10 ‘ Sure I could n't wish for a better husband for her . ’
11 Indeed , I remember warning her , half in joke , half in earnest , that I could not answer for the new Government lasting more than six weeks .
12 Taken by surprise , she could not answer for a moment and than said angrily , ‘ If you knew , why did n't you say something before ? ’
13 She could n't afford to run any risks , and there was certainly something mysterious about David Arrowsmith , something she could n't identify for the moment : so she did n't trust him .
14 She could n't pay for an abortion herself because Nigel wo n't let her have a cheque book or a credit card , let alone any cash .
15 Twice before she 'd had proposals of marriage and had rejected them because she could n't feel for the men they came from .
16 Emma closed her eyes but for the moment she could n't answer for the throbbing in her throat .
17 She could n't apply for a passport as she was under age .
18 It is time that your creative talents were developed alongside individuals who are of like mind and outlook , and you could not wish for a better planetary set-up to further your aims and ambitions : the past few years have taught you all you need to know about self-survival .
19 You could not ask for a better curtain-raiser to the day 's racing .
20 You could n't hope for a clearer sign of how things have changed in new music over the last decade or so than the sight of five eminent young , or young-ish , British composers applying their ingenuity to the art of writing divertimentos ( two of them even opting for late eighteenth-century period instrument ensembles ) as curtain raisers for last year 's Glyndebourne Mozart performances ( the promised Don Giovanni serenade by Oliver Knussen never materialized ) .
21 We think you 'll agree — you could n't wish for a better match .
22 You could n't wish for a better place to work .
23 The chap is very very experienced , he knows what he 's doing and he 's he you you could n't ask for a better worker really but yes d I I do believe he 's got a problem with his eyesight .
24 Pity we could n't go for a romp round a canal is n't it ?
25 We could n't claim to be anything else ; we could n't speak for the families of Terry Waite or Brian Keenan .
26 " But we ca n't find four thousand in a week And , with things as they are , we could n't hope for a bank loan even if … "
27 Yeah well we , we could n't push for a new
28 We could not undress for a week in case of a submarine attack , and you all got a little cross , I remember .
29 We could not go for a walk that afternoon .
30 The pause after the first shot making sure they 'd killed him which is n't easy to do with a heart shot but they could n't go for the head because the sight line would n't fit with shooting at the President 's head — ’
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