Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [verb] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " I will send for old Mokosh , " Neva said .
2 I warned him that the trouble would probably recur , but with a smile he said , ‘ If it does , I will go for another ride in a bullock cart ! ’
3 Smith : I will fight for economic efficiency and a fairer society
4 Struggling to control his anger , he stormed : ‘ If that 's what football is all about I will look for another job .
5 So it 's going to take a very long time , because it has been male orientated , but until we get the attitude of the work place , which is encouraging their piers to apply for jobs instead of , oh , of course , I do n't think I will apply for that job .
6 If the refusal of a transfer effectively stops an individual 's career-route to the top , the chances are that he or she will look for another job .
7 If it 's fitted outside your house you will pay for any leak between the meter and your tap .
8 Check the plan and find out how much curtain material ( at 1m wide ) you will need for each window .
9 The tour 's nearly over but there 's still enough time to take in the fabulous sight of Paris illuminated by night , where we will stay for one night .
10 When I am sitting up there working with the librarian , pupils will come trotting in with little notes from teachers saying " I have been sent in to ask for books on … " and off they will go for that lesson which is what she wanted , so they have achieved it .
11 It will eventually dawn on them that they have killed their son and they will suffer for that reason . ’
12 They will press for long-term peace in the Middle East , including a settlement of the Palestinian problem .
13 She says they will fight for regional production at Central 's three studios to be guaranteed .
14 This gives the customers some choice about what they will have for each meal , and when they have it .
15 If they merely project their ski-slope profile membership and attendance graphs , they will plan for continuing decline .
16 Sitting at right-angles to them ( on either side of the corner of a table ) or even alongside them will make for more harmony .
17 The fact is , transition to the simpler rules will involve costs , though at the end of the day it will make for more cost effective regulation than the present encyclopedias . ’
18 European and Asian countries , where companies have few scruples about exploiting their American rivals ' legal handicap , could pass anti-bribery laws of their own and TI says that it will lobby for such legislation .
19 ‘ Not very imaginative , and I do n't expect the accommodation will be marvellous , but it will do for one night . ’
20 Never mind , it will do for next year . ’
21 ‘ It 's a security measure and it will continue for some time , ’ said a police spokesman , who revealed that the roads , one of which is part of the main Clogher to Omagh Road , had been closed under a Secretary of State 's Order .
22 In determining the prices which it will pay for residential care , Lothian Regional Council Social Work Committee has been guided by the following broad tenets :
23 It will work for any robot with any number of joints .
24 It is the characteristic of a good classification scheme that it will allow for later addition , showing the prescience of the compiler and the hospitality of the notation .
25 Although he has completed five years , he will continue for another couple of years until the parish is ready to be handed over to the local clergy .
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