Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [vb infin] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would dip blanket after blanket in boiling water , wring them out almost without realising that I was scalding myself , take off the old strips of saturated cloth , wrap the new ones round each leg and tuck them into the corners of affected muscles , but half the time not really knowing what I was doing .
2 * IF * Wilko was ever to go I would want Strach as manager at Leeds .
3 MONDAY morning , and it had been arranged that I would meet Miklós for lunch and then have the chance to talk with some writers from Hungarian PEN .
4 I have to admit that if the situation was reversed I would go bonkers with frustration , so I take my hat off to him — but not my shirt .
5 For weeks I would pull slivers of skin like rice-paper from the top of my head and my ears . )
6 I could not finish them until after Dana had left for the States , when I would sit day after day beside my desk , trying to write , while on the other side of Avondale Buildings the children screamed and shrieked in the playground .
7 I would walk north to south , with the wind on my back , and raise sponsorship for the sort of people I had met in Nigeria .
8 As , as Councillor would have said , and I would remind members of Council that I believe that the Chief Officers of this Council still have pay related to their performance and I am sure that all members , not least the controlling group , will take will take note of that .
9 Having now met each other , it seemed that everywhere I went on camp I would come face to face with him , usually with his entourage of armourers fanning out behind him .
10 Harmony has a special fascination for many of us , but once again I would warn students against thinking of harmonies before they have conceived the melody .
11 From there she would stare hour after hour through the branches of the trees above as they swayed against the ever-changing sky , as if she was waiting to catch a glimpse of something precious she had lost a lifetime before .
12 The sensitive nature of the case was further inflamed by the woman 's near-complete recovery — after an initial medical prognosis had suggested that she would remain brain-damaged for life — a development which led some members of the black community , including Rev. Sharpton , to suggest that aspects of the attack had been fabricated .
13 If a girl married without her parents ' consent , she would risk abandonment by family and tribe .
14 She would ring Julius at home , with messages that were only just important enough for her to justify ringing his private number .
15 But she could not see all the way , it was feasible that he was on a lower flight and she would come face to face with him .
16 In a few hours she would come face to face once more with that same man who was responsible for his death and this time she was intent on making absolutely sure that what had been a teenage crush on her part remained just that .
17 And y erm you know , you would get pieces of grit and black heavy dirt dust coming out onto the furniture .
18 Killing Elinor was the kind of thing you would need years of study to accomplish .
19 If you 've got some dust floating round in the nothing you would see specks of dust .
20 Change US to be the symbol you would like users to type to access the process ; eg. LSTRAIN or LST .
21 If you would like information on Feature You , you can contact David Barron on or call in at one of his salons .
22 If you would like advice on contraception , talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic .
23 If you would like advice on contraception , talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic .
24 We would sit hour after hour on either side of my table , exchanging glances , kisses , embraces , smiles — and the words of our poems .
25 We would shift resources from detection to prevention . ’
26 If there is one country that we would have difficulty in isolating , it is North Korea .
27 So , imagining we would have problems with security , I turned round , dumped the cartridges at Brookes 's and returned to the Palace .
28 They say : It is a very interesting talk , we think we would like careers in industry now .
29 We would issue slides to PS staff and let them run the charging system themselves .
30 We would train chicks on water or methylanthranilate , and then anaesthetize them .
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