Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [adv] [be] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
2 I can not be sure that he noticed all that , but he stared at it for a long time , getting down on his hands .
3 I think that that is over optimistic , I can not be confident that there will be any local authority provision at all , it seems to me that this particular provision is really vital to Paul 's education and I think it right to ensure that it is available .
4 Inevitably , er that has not been entirely acceded to , and indeed to some extent er I can hardly be surprised as events move on during the course of the enquiry .
5 I can only be happy if you are happy .
6 I have exerted myself to be as charming as I can be perhaps you will reassure me , Therese , that I can still be charming when I try ? ’
7 ‘ But as you are , I can never be more than a friend to you . ’
8 During this time of testing , a sufferer from alcoholism mat say that he or she can not be alcoholic because he or she does not drink in the mornings or is still in regular employment or still has a home and family or perhaps only drinks wine and beer but never spirits or only drinks at the weekends .
9 Facilities Northgate , I thought the people at Stowmarket at Stow Utland were on the par with the others , you know you can get , you can easily be convinced that the place is good because of it
10 Non measurable standards , that is ones where you can not be certain whether or not a specific desired result has been achieved tend to cause trouble since they are easily challenged .
11 For now if you , as a supplier , observe a rise in the price of the good on your island of 10 per cent you can not be certain whether all other markets are experiencing the same rise on average .
12 As soon as the stigma is revealed and exposed , you can not be sure that some keen and inquisitive insect wo n't beat you to it and carry in pollen from heaven knows where .
13 And if in fact this large area of industrial development is not taken up , you can not be sure that the bits that are not taken up will be the least environmentally sensitive .
14 Remember that you can not be sure whether you or someone else has the virus just by guessing or by appearances .
15 Keith Sutton … brings us the worst of Fleet Street , the Sun , disguised as ‘ radical ’ … you can not be radical and look like the Sun ; it is a contradiction in terms .
16 You can not be tentative or apprehensive in your movements ; you have to throw caution to the wind and ‘ attack ’ a manoeuvre with the objective clearly in your mind .
17 You can not be informal when giving notice of dismissal or redundancy , or if you are writing a letter of condolence or complaint .
18 That you can not be alcoholic unless you are first a regular heavy drinker .
19 That you can not be alcoholic if you still have a family , a house , a car , a job and money in the bank .
20 You can not be satisfied when our fellow citizens are saddled with an electoral system which leads to elective dictatoriship , and the corruption of parliamentary law-making processes .
21 You can only be one or the other because the whole business of supply and demand is so complex .
22 A further way of introducing some purpose to a day 's sailing is to experiment with different ways of doing things , since you can only be sure that you have found the best way by deliberately trying different ways .
23 Because of the spontaneous , easy-going nature of island hopping , our trips programme may vary from week to week and island to island , but you can always be certain that your Clubrep will make sure you have the chance to see and do the very best things on each island .
24 However long a text you take , you can never be certain that a grammar you find by any algorithm is the one the text is generated by .
25 This is because , however often an experiment comes out right , you can never be sure that it will come out right the next time , and so you can never be sure that your hypothesis is right .
26 This is because , however often an experiment comes out right , you can never be sure that it will come out right the next time , and so you can never be sure that your hypothesis is right .
27 You see , you can never be sure when it will spawn .
28 If you yourself do not know what you want out of the meeting you can hardly be surprised if the person you are dealing with does not respond in a satisfactory way .
29 We can eventually be sure that it is correct enough , but never that there is no other equally correct but different translation .
30 For where it has been drawn is everywhere ; from the insistence of Thorndike , and the early behaviourists like Watson and Hull , that all is to be explained , including human behaviour , in terms of conditioned reflexes , to the open-handedness of well-meaning liberationists like Rollin who argue that even worms and sea anemones should be given the benefit of the doubt since we can not be certain that they do not feel pain and therefore have a consciousness ( 1981 : 31 ) .
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