Example sentences of "[pers pn] were not [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mind you if she was erm she were n't in love with a poor man , then yeah , but no I do n't think she is .
2 Yes there were , there were about ten I think , but they were all widely separated , we all had a lot of ground around us , so , s so you were n't on top of your next door neighbour , you did n't , you hardly see them , or hear them really , there was plenty of room .
3 It all made sense , the relationship between non-Aristotelian logic and the banality of the American way of life : you had to take a detached view of the culture ; you were n't in love with it and you did n't hate it .
4 I was pretty certain you were n't in love with Arnie . ’
5 ‘ But you were n't in love with him ? ’
6 We were n't in love at all .
7 The CDU proposed the addition of a clause to the Basic Law ( constitution ) which would allow the authorities to reject applicants for political asylum entering Germany from a third country in which they were not at risk of political persecution .
8 The declaration said that until such time as Krajina 's separation from Croatia could be negotiated with the Croatian government , Croatian laws would continue to be observed in the region , provided that they were not at variance with federal laws or laws unilaterally adopted by the Krajina government .
9 There must have been a proportion of shy , bashful ones around , but they were not in evidence amongst the mob which harassed us day by day as we tried to make our way around the town on our own affairs .
10 At one stage two large windows were let into the wall each side of the rose window to give more light , but these were removed when the cathedral was restored in the early part of this century as they were not in keeping with the original design .
11 Latvia also declared a transitional period for negotiations on independence , as Estonia had done on March 30 [ see p. 37322 and below ] , but without rejecting the validity of the Soviet Constitution and laws , provided that they were not in conflict with Latvia 's laws and sovereign rights .
12 All I know is that the Labour Government , who were in favour of the European Community , did not need any convincing that they were not in favour of a federalist united states of Europe .
13 Yesterday , the EC observers in the conflict areas of Yugoslavia made it clear that they were not in favour of rapid diplomatic recognition of Croatia , which they say would wreck the prospects for negotiating a settlement of the war and increase the chance of hostilities spreading to other parts of the collapsed federation .
14 As far as the death grant goes , erm for a pensioner that would only be payable erm if somebody actually died within year of leaving pensionable service , due to ill health , and they were not in receipt of an infirmity pension .
15 They were not in control of energy policy .
16 They were not in control of all the factors .
17 Will the Leader of the House consider allocating time to look at planning requirements as they affect former nationalised industries such as the regional electricity boards , which continue to behave as though they were not in business for profit ?
18 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
19 If it were n't for people like myself erm then maybe the older German tradition of historical writing would still today be dominant .
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