Example sentences of "[pers pn] has [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For four days the slimmer knows that all he or she has consumed at the end of each day is the 1,000 calories contained in the meals .
2 This is all she has to do at the beginning of the week .
3 And the tutor 's impressions of one student are unlikely to remain vivid after he/she has looked at the work of a few more students .
4 I admire Mac because he has remained at the top of British sprinting for a decade through a lot of hard work .
5 Presumably he has remained at the back to supervise the operation .
6 A character wearing the Talisman of Ulric automatically recovers wounds he has suffered at the start of his turn .
7 If he can produce no grand reason for abandoning left-wing Labour attitudes , people will be forgiven if they conclude that the change was cynical and opportunistic and that Mr Kinnock is more interested in gaining office than in doing anything in particular once he has arrived at the top .
8 For the abrupt , hasty manner of Pound 's criticism seems to some readers to carry the implication ( to which Pound in fact did not subscribe ) that no critic is worth listening to unless he has laboured at the maker 's workbench ; that all worthwhile criticism of stories comes from story-tellers , that only poets are worth listening to about poems .
9 To the east , in Wollo , the Save the Children Fund is intensively feeding 700 out of the 3000 children it has registered at the Korem camp .
10 It has advanced at the pace of its peoples and must continue to do so .
11 It has nibbled at the problem , closing down its fertiliser business after failing to sell it .
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