Example sentences of "[pers pn] or [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and they will keep them in the archives and I suppose transcribe them or something of the sort .
2 Where a journalist intends to refer to an unnamed individual , it is reasonable that the individual should have an action for libel if others have correctly identified him or her as the target , whatever literary devices have been used as camouflage .
3 ‘ It is totally wrong that RTE should allow him or her on the Birthday Show . ’
4 Finding a competing behaviour means finding an acceptable activity for the child to engage in which robs him or her of the opportunity to perform the defined problem behaviour .
5 The interviews identified a variety of entries into heroin use , based , first , on the relationship between the initiate and the person who introduced him or her to the drug , that is , the social ‘ how ? ’ ; and , secondly , on the reasons given by the users themselves as to why they took heroin in the first place , that is , the personal ‘ why ? ’ .
6 The police are only concerned with catching the offender and delivering him or her to the law so that justice can be done .
7 An unmarried partner may agree with the surviving relatives that provision will be made for him or her from the estate , but this is not always possible .
8 Specifically , the Commissioner has three functions : ( a ) to keep under review the carrying out by the Home Secretary of the functions conferred upon him or her by the Act ; ( b ) to keep under review the adequacy of any arrangements made for the purposes of restricting the use and distribution of the intercepted material ; ( c ) to give the Tribunal all such assistance as the Tribunal may require for the purpose of enabling it to carry out its statutory functions .
9 In order to have a claim for payment a creditor must prove the debt owed to him or her by the company .
10 When did you last , after such a hug , instead of taking your partner to bed , take him or her by the hand and walk into the garden ?
11 The Court can also make Orders about where the child is to live and who is to see him or her in the event of a relationship breakdown .
12 If the child resists this to the extent of crying and screaming , the parent can desensitize the child by occasionally placing him or her in the high-chair during the day to play with a favourite toy .
13 The authorities tend to show that if a test is bodily invasive and/or unpleasant or dangerous then the court will not stay an action until the plaintiff submits him or herself to the test .
14 Under the Finsinger and Vogelsang scheme , the manager is able to capture virtually all the increase in social benefits for him or herself in the form of a bonus in other words the social return is very narrowly distributed .
15 An enraged character is also driven to find an enemy and fight him or it to the death .
16 In other words , the designer was looking at the effect of the tucking when knitting in one colour , rather than concerning her or himself with the effect when striped .
17 Parents of young children , with so many other calls on their time and affections , might find it harder to cope with a difficult infant , to integrate her or him into the family — while resentful siblings could cause additional strain .
18 Yeah so erm yeah so if you get that sort of thing and then you can in some way either get people to discuss or get them to fill in a questionnaire about it or something of the sort I mean that 's er the format that y'know kind of er seems to work quite well for final year projects anyway er generally speaking with other stuff so er yeah that 's that 's do-able .
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