Example sentences of "[pers pn] as they [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He drew her against him , linking her arm in his as they walked along the track .
2 Alain looked down at her as they came into the hall .
3 They married in June 1789 , and a month later , in despair and rage , he murdered her as they walked in the darkness to the Castle of Comfort Inn .
4 In a temperature of nearly ninety degrees , Lindsey was glad she had thought to bring a hat with her as they strolled along the palm-strewn promenade , stopping at one of the many bars to drink a refreshingly cold iced lemonade .
5 His arm tightened around her as they stepped off the kerb again .
6 Jack Bryson , the chief cameraman , told her as they waited for the director 's ‘ OK ’ to strike the set , a quizzical grin seaming his weather-beaten face .
7 Eve , picking up on some of Ari 's melancholy without understanding the cause , hugged her as they thundered along the straight , smooth road that led to the city .
8 A noisy group of young people passed her as they turned into the cinema .
9 As he fell into step beside her he took her arm , gently guiding her as they turned into the main street .
10 ‘ Frightfully kind of you , ’ he said to her as they stood by the kerb .
11 When he conveyed Sam 's request to her as they sat around the table at tea-time , he was bewildered by his daughter 's reaction !
12 Marler challenged him as they walked across the lobby .
13 ‘ They 'd care as little about him as they cared about the two bombers who died in the van . ’
14 This sound , tautening to the pitch of a screech , interrupted Davide 's growing up ; it had frightened children like him as they played in the streets , but sent a shiver through them that also excited them .
15 Hyman hustled him into a car and , having come prepared with a flask , poured coffee into him as they drove to the studio .
16 ‘ This is n't for research , as such , ’ she told him as they moved along the rows of apparatus .
17 The back of the awesome figure caught in the dying rays of the flare was holding a kicking man high above his head , throwing him as they watched over the side and into the sea .
18 She cuddled in close to him as they tore along the highway .
19 ‘ Your lips are even redder now , ’ he murmured , his face close to hers as they crouched over the same clump of fruit .
20 Savage Orcs are wild fighters , whooping and screaming as they attack , calling upon Gork and Mork to help them as they crash into the enemy ranks .
21 Willie watched them as they ran through the graveyard and climbed over the wall to the lane .
22 United have now taken just three points from a possible 12 and manager Alex Ferguson 's only consolation is that the defeat of rivals Aston Villa at Carrow Road means it is now Norwich who hold a twopoint advantage over them as they go into the last seven games .
23 Klift spoke for all of them as they looked around the sloping entranceway .
24 The smell hit them as they slithered to the bottom of the slope and McLeish resolutely took a breath before walking over to where the swollen body lay .
25 The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door .
26 It 's the resting place of 4 of the 5 youngsters who died when a speeding car went out of control in Akers Way and hit them as they played at the side of the road .
27 He went to meet them as they scrambled from the bus , hand extended in welcome , greeting them individually by name and exchanging a few words with each one .
28 Felipe was out of the water and waiting for them as they arrived at the place where the lake quietly lapped the path .
29 His father , once satisfied that the intensive care nurses were doing their best , left his own men to watch over them as they watched over the boy while he , too , was persuaded to rest .
30 Our plan was to simulate the view of a vulture by mounting a camera on a model aircraft : we would wait near a fresh lion kill until the vultures started soaring , and then fly the model aircraft among them as they descended on the carcass .
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