Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 aha , well I 'm , I 'm doing er couple of Oxos and I had to thicken it with some self raising flour , it was alright
2 Mm , mm I 'd of put them in the , even with these new glasses I these dark ones , you know the dark ones I had to put them on this morning I had to put these dark glasses on cos the light hurt me eyes , so I had to put these on
3 I had to take him on more or less from the first .
4 It was such a collective experience that John was n't mine any more , I had to share him with all these people , each with different motivations and reasons for being here .
5 I knew I had to bring it to some kind of confession , but saying , ‘ I love you , ’ to a woman who loved another man ?
6 Oh , and he asked if I 'd ever seen Angy having any kind of disagreement with anyone and I had to tell him about that little contretemps with Mr Willard and young Godfrey Mellish . ’
7 Aunt Margaret poured fresh tea from a brown earthenware , Sunday-school treat pot that was so heavy she had to lift it with both hands .
8 Sooner or later Rebecca would learn that her trust in him was unfounded , that she had to share him with any woman who took his fancy .
9 With a great big cans , you had to fill it with that molasses , and we had to pour this all over the grass and then , shorts , our shorts were cut off breeches you see because then we used to wear them first and we cut off them off to make shorts .
10 You had to fold it in half to get it on .
11 Erm and it was rather a a and heavy work , you had to have a team of horses to pull a load of suedes and you had to get them in Some you used to carry out on and just drag them I mean s spread them out on the field er for the store cattle and the sheep .
12 We felt that Navan Resources should have made earlier contact with us to let us know that there was gold here , before we had to hear it in that way , ’ Mary Catherine Heanue said .
13 But we had to tell them about some modifications that needed to be done .
14 How many days it was out of service and this that and the other and erm they used to send us an invoice on the mileage run because at the same time we knew what tyres were on the bus we had to inform them of any tyre changes and they kept records the same as us .
15 And er then we after the war was finished , we continued making them for several years , but we had to transfer it to another factory .
16 and er that may sound er a bit exaggerated but I can assure you that 's what happened , that er , to go to , to be able to file these , these little scraps of paper they had to stick it on another sheet
17 All the villagers had an increasing tendency to address Lydia , if they had to address her at all , in the third person through the medium of Betty and it seemed that Elizabeth too had caught the habit .
18 Furthermore , it had to regulate it in such a way as to ensure that it would ‘ contain a suitable proportion of matter calculated to appeal to tastes and interests not generally catered for by Service 1 ( i.e. ITV 1 ) ’ .
19 They refused point blank and he had to take it to another garage .
20 He had to explain it to this man .
21 Yeah , he had to sing it like that and then , then there 's , there 's only two of them , you know and erm , the , er , other , the other one , he 's a black man yeah , and he goes who 's that big gorilla in the back and he 's pointing to me .
22 But he had to keep us on that .
23 I knew what he was getting at , of course , and I was so hurt that he should think he had to approach me in such a roundabout fashion — as if I was a terrible , uncharitable woman who had to be coaxed into a simple act of kindness — that I suggested it myself at once , though it was really the last thing I wanted .
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