Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I wished that I had written to the two women about Donald 's death , and that I was not now obliged to tell them of it .
2 I had to go to the next yard to fetch Jonesy .
3 In fact , within two years I had gone to the other extreme , washing shorts for lads who were old enough to do it for themselves , and baking cakes for the sole purpose of giving them away .
4 I had to write to the next of kin .
5 It was as though I had died to the old way — and yet I was alive in a new kind of way .
6 I had got to the front door when it exploded on top of me .
7 I had to escape to the nearby wilderness of mountain and ice , to live out my days among chamois and eagle , which were being hunted as avidly as I.
8 It was only when I looked up to my right and saw the board that I realized I had come to the right place .
9 Yes , I had come to the right place : thejumbo
10 I mean if I 'd have if I 'd have , if I had come to the last one
11 To see The Egyptian , I had to walk to the other end of town , to the Essoldo .
12 Her own attraction to Matthew she had pushed to the outermost edges of her consciousness .
13 Driving along the Quay , Lucy thought about that morning when she had gone to the little bistro on the Place de Trainant to find Volkov .
14 Yesterday she had gone to the dingy little newsagent at the corner of the street to pay the paper bill , and to buy Matey a writing pad and envelopes , when she had seen on the counter a pile of postcards depicting society beauties .
15 He cared enough about his loathsome , drunken and violent third wife , Mayo Methot , not to leave her until he knew she had gone to the furthest extremes to try and cure herself of the alcoholism that threatened to ruin both their lives .
16 In order to liven their party up , she had gone to the United Social Club in Green Street to find more guests .
17 Shortly after her move abroad she had written to the then Director of Manchester City Art Gallery , Tim Clifford , asking if she could view some of the Museum 's early nineteenth-century cotton samples and take photographs .
18 DONATION — Pauline was pleased to report that she had written to the National Westminster Bank Sponsorship and Community Affairs Dept. and received a donation of £500 to the Society .
19 Kit Hegarty was in the big front bedroom , the one she had let to the two brothers from Galway .
20 He knew all about unhappiness : she had come to the right place .
21 It was as if she had come to the wrong place , as if the magic that shrivelled Cinderella 's full satins to limp rag had breathed over this place , enchantment vanished in the wood , only the old dank trees still and always there .
22 Merrill paused for a moment , wondering if she had come to the wrong address .
23 Then she saw that , in her haste to leave the hall , she had fled to the nearest exit , which opened on to a passage running along the side of the great-room .
24 He had once fought for the French , but they had not promoted him beyond the rank of colonel , she had deserted to the British who had rewarded his defection with a knighthood and a generalship , but even so , he still felt slighted .
25 Mrs Laughton said that one of the reasons for Mrs Kemp 's suspension was that she had objected to the Social Work Department ignoring the decisions of the Children 's panel .
26 The next day we had to report to the huge , ugly , frightening , hideous abattoir man who , in case you did n't know , lives , actually lives three streets away from us !
27 I asked , when we had returned to the main road .
28 It was the closest we had come to the outside world in nearly four months yet they were responsible for the oil which glossed the harbour and had killed the coral .
29 The big man , whom we had spoken to the previous evening , sat on the bench in the bow , sucking deeply on his seisha .
30 They said me and him had to go to the social security the next morning , and if he did n't he 'd be picked up .
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