Example sentences of "[pers pn] are [prep] the business of " in BNC.

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1 A pro-active approach to the job is commercially good sense if you are in the business of building up your client base .
2 We are about the business of delivering public services within the democratic process .
3 Our theory — if we are in the business of expounding a theory on the subject of pub design — is that each pub must be treated individually and on its own merits .
4 A Woolwich spokesman said : ‘ We are in the business of lending to people , not categorising them .
5 I 'm , er , the director of the National Osteoporosis Society and we started five years ago and as Helen said just now , we are in the business of informing women , not saying all women should be going on hormone replacement therapy !
6 In view of the fact that eye testing is important in picking up illness in the elderly and that we are in the business of preventive medicine rather than treating illnesses when they occur , will my hon. Friend keep an open mind ?
7 What we are in the business of doing is providing people with houses who are in housing need .
8 ‘ Everyone now understands that we are in the business of satisfying customer needs ’ .
9 The problem lies with systems of universal education which pretend that they are in the business of educating everybody to the limits of their potential , while hypocritically and determinedly doing the opposite .
10 Surely they are in the business of improving the quality of life for people living in poverty and of trying to get further finance from the Government for that purpose .
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