Example sentences of "[pers pn] for his [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from Faber business , he had to settle down and write prefaces for three books as well ( one of them for his own selection of Pounds literary essays ) .
2 The other was from the Vice President in charge of Overseas ' Operations , thanking him for his personal contribution to the expansion of European Component Operations .
3 He took a sheet of Gordon 's notepaper and typed a short note to Alan Bleath , thanking him for his recent contribution to the stimulating seminar on lenses of a high refractive index , signed this with a fair approximation of Gordon 's hand and put it in one of the ‘ Gordon Beamish : See ? ’ envelopes , addressed to Alan Bleath , 329 Carradine Road , Mitcham .
4 In an exchange of views in the weekly popular magazine Ogonek in November and December Kharchev accused officials from the CPSU and the State Security Committee ( Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti--KGB ) and Orthodox Church leaders of punishing him for his liberal stance on Soviet religious observance , and particularly on the status of the Uniate Church [ see below ] .
5 One of his red-letter days was the time we took him for his first ride in our newly acquired Rolls-Royce .
6 Pieda , a powerful economic group , has attacked him for his crippling levy on whisky and says the excise tax policy on the famous tipple is ‘ against the national interest and discriminates against one of the UK 's top five exporters ’ .
7 I would like to thank him for his considerable contribution to the company 's success over the last three years .
8 The West German Government honoured him for his notable work in promoting friendship between the two countries .
9 The West German Government honoured him for his notable work in promoting friendship between the two countries .
10 I shall remember him for his magnificent work in the West Riding through many years , and for his naughty and teasing sense of humour which so often cheered us up in the dismal surroundings of the Hemsworth Division and places like that , and which one realised hid a most sensitive and affectionate personality .
11 No one in Bristol — certainly not Big Mal , now 65 — was letting on exactly who hired him for his latest battle against relegation .
12 I loved him for his special attention towards me ; he made me feel important — if only to him .
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