Example sentences of "[pers pn] was at [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What had changed was two things , one that the governor of the state had talked about defying the court rather than actually do it and secondly , that Eisenhower had summoned Forbus to see him at Camp David , the president 's summer retreat in Maryland , and had a weekend of talks with Forbus Now I was n't there , I was at primary school then , but I was n't there as far as one can piece it together what , what Eisenhower said to Forbus was , you know , I do n't really care what you do , but I do n't want it on prime time national television , I do n't want a scene , I do n't want you to flagrantly , openly , publicly to flout the order of the court .
2 I was at that time really completely persuaded of the relevance and interest of this approach and of this subject matter .
3 Oh , I only pay dutiful visits now , ’ Rose went on , ‘ but I was at one time very frequently here .
4 On the spiritual side it was at one time also considered self-evident that the Russians , adherence to the Christian religion put them automatically on a higher plane than the heathen , raw-flesh-eating ‘ savages ’ .
5 But , like its relatives in Devon , the Sussex has remained largely confined to its own region in spite of its potential , though it was at one time more widely used in several English counties as a draught animal .
6 So we moved the scheme to next year 's capital programme into this year 's capital programme , erm , very much a scheme on children 's services , which is also in these papers , where it was at that stage fairly clear that it would not commence during the current financial year .
7 Those of us who had been drawn towards Labour as a party of change now received a sharp reminder that whatever else it was at local level , it was at national level still essentially an electoral machine .
8 In fact it was at this time just as the United States was beginning to take up his Girls that he set up a school there .
9 It was at this time too that there appeared in Europe the system of notation in which the exact time-value of a note is indicated by a lozenge on a pole .
10 It was at this time too that W. L. Bragg was beginning to unravel the complex structures of the crystalline silicates .
11 Yes , it is difficult to believe that before Sly Stallone was blasting out showers of bullets , he was at one time more likely to be seen wielding a pair of scissors and blowing hot and cold with a hairdryer .
12 Held , dismissing both appeals , Findlay : ( 1 ) the judge had accepted the custody officer 's evidence that the notes in the pocket book were shown to Findlay , though he was at that time incommunicado ; and Code C 12.12 in its unamended form ( which governed this case ) only applied to interviews at police stations so that it did not require the notes in the present case to be shown to him : Brezeanu & Francis [ 1989 ] Crim.L.R. 650 .
13 He was at this time already suffering from an ailment from which he and his friends would suffer until the end of his life — piles .
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