Example sentences of "[pers pn] was go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean er you know , I I was went in as a mechanical fitter and er stayed as such , getting sort of bigger and more responsibl bilities as I went Grew up .
2 The time I went before that , I got erm , like a frostbitten thumb , because I was going up on the chair lift , and er , I dropped one of my gloves , and it was quite a cold day , so by the time I 'd got to the top , and skied all the way back down , and then down the road going back to try and find me gloves , because I had borrowed them from a friend ,
3 I was going on about the relative merits of casseroling and roasting .
4 The first lecture I gave I was going on about the different approaches to psychology .
5 By the time I was eight-years-old I was going around with a prostitute .
6 I was going on with it , all the bumps were okay but when I was actually inside the building again I hung on to GrandPat to get to the steps but my hand slipped so I was going round with the current so I tried to hold on to the orange thing that they had put there but I slipped off that and I kept on going round and the lifeguard gave erm me and somebody else a hoop and we both grabbed onto it
7 And it 's seventy degrees out there in the winter , well I was going round in a T-shirt , they all thought I was mad .
8 ‘ Most of the trauma I was going through at the time is written into that film , ’ he admitted reflectively .
9 I went out to the powder-room and as I was going back into the restaurant somebody tapped me on the shoulder .
10 By not eating I was going back to the security of needing my family , not being relied upon but having someone to rely on instead .
11 When I arrived at MGM , I felt like I was going back to an enormous boarding school again .
12 And it was Alice , right , and as I was going out to the door , she said to Alice , Alice must have said to her , are we going tonight ?
13 Here I am eighteen years old , and in a great state of elation because I was going out with a boy .
14 Unlike Michelle in Eastenders , my situation was quite different as I was going out with the father of my son .
15 Pat rung up and wanted me to fetch the dressing table on Tuesday night I said yeah alright I 'll do Wednes but I forgot I was going out with the girls Wednesday so I went out Tuesday and she would n't let me have it , cos Tuesdays they 're not working in the kitchen
16 He asked me when I wanted to do the interview , I was going out of the hotel and so we 'd do it when I got back .
17 I was going out of the home more often and people had begun to comment on this .
18 Cos I was going out in the fresh air , I 'm alright when I 'm out in the fresh air .
19 Earlier she had come down in this lift with Steve and now she was going up with the last person on earth she could have envisaged .
20 Yvonne seemed silently furious , then announced she was going up to the lifeboat shed to buy some souvenir crap or whatever .
21 Yeah cos er Jim had just come on duty and she was going up in the lift with somebody and they said please can we have five pounds , your mother 's just had her hair permed
22 She was going on about the grass they 've left on the
23 She was going out with a friend of mine , but she came on so strong that she frightened him off .
24 He knew , because in a town the size of Plumford everybody knew these things , that Hubert Molland had been given a combined parish a few miles outside Plumford , and that the Mollands were now living in Champney Crucis ; he knew that Kate had left school and was now doing something at the technical college ; and , more importantly , he had heard from Joe that she was going out with the local MP 's youngest son , whose name was Julian and who drove a Triumph Spitfire .
25 Minny : one day when I 'd been gushing about her dress when she was going out to a dance .
26 She was going out to a party , I got a bucket of water , threw it over her head !
27 She was going out to a party .
28 She 'd told her husband she was going out for a walk with their pet dog , Kirsty , when she was found the dog was still clinging to her .
29 She was going out of the band room when she suddenly asked , ‘ If someone takes liberties with you , is it partly your own fault ? ’
30 She was going back to the knacker 's .
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