Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He made my guitar riffs up for me and used to present the rest of us with tapes , ’ says Solowka .
2 The woman , tight-lipped , turned her back on them and began to slap the milk vigorously with a peeled wand spiked at one end where smaller branches had been lopped off .
3 It was mid-morning before the Constable remembered them and came to unbolt the lock-up .
4 Why t why c why do they not communicate upwards and I think essentially people it in subordinate positions are about managing the impressions others have of them and tend to believe the notion , no matter how true it is , that er that organisations may have a shoot the messenger philosophy , yes ?
5 A more publicised arrangement is when a wholesaler or group of wholesalers invite retailers to affiliate to them and agree to take the bulk of their purchases from them .
6 Somebody used to sit on the carpet at one end of the room with a walking stick and a chalk mark in front of him and the contestants used to have to come up to him and try to rub the marking out and he used to rap the hands with his walking stick .
7 ‘ Then I have always kept to making the Ovaltine last thing , and on Friday night I forgot to put the sugar in for him and went to get the bowl .
8 In his ice-cold and pitch black seclusion , John heard the sounds of his rescuers getting closer to him and tried to count the days by following the shift changes .
9 Kopyion looked at the staser pointed at him and stood to face the major .
10 Ariel heard her and managed to decipher the words : ‘ Adesangé , god of the mountain , do not abandon me ! ’
11 Blushing , guiltily , I chastised her and prepared to re-attach the lead .
12 She knew that she should never have accepted it , she thought , as she knelt on the carpet , placing the mug down beside her and beginning to search the floor for the elusive ring .
13 He rose from a cushioned wicker chair as soon as he saw her and came to take the tray , saying , ‘ You 're Belinda , of course .
14 Well , yeah er we we had a fair amount of chemical er troubles erm mainly spillages , bad packaging , erm a few accidents erm , and very little information in those early days erm there was a lot of nasty chemicals going around which erm very little information followed it and people were being quite seriously injured , firemen included , policemen and others were getting involved with these things , and I got myself involved quite a lot with the various bodies that deal with chemicals , like the Chemical Industry Association , and people of that kind , trying to make things a bit safer , and taking up cases where spillages had occurred and , and accidents had happened er to try to get to the bottom of it and try to improve the situation and er I was n't alone , most Chief Officers were working that way and certainly the London Fire Brigade did it , did no end of work with producing , what is now commonly known as the coding and , and a system of , of erm er marking containers of chemicals so that people can understand how to deal with them , so that that was quite an interesting area which , even now I 'm now retired I still have a little hand in that with er chemicals er in my few moments I have spare I , I get involved with that side , which I enjoy .
15 Although the draftsman may never see the lease again once it has been executed , others will have to live with it and try to manage the property according to its terms .
16 This woman was able to come to terms with her aggressive pattern by ‘ unscrambling ’ it and beginning to understand the roots of the problem .
17 When it was the right shape she blew on it , then closed her fist around it and began to massage the bull 's neck and shoulders and back and rump , tapping it hard and rhythmically with the knuckles of the clenched fist .
18 WHEN CHARLES WEBB 'S novel The Graduate was first published in 1963 , Lawrence Turman , a 37-year-old independent producer with a couple of films to his name — The Young Doctors and I Could Go On Singing — read it , liked it and managed to acquire the rights in 1964 for $20,000 from the ingenuous author .
19 The Government stopped it and pledged to save the mountain .
20 ‘ He was pushing a pram with nothing in it and wanted to cross the road , ’ he recalled .
21 We own it and plan to keep the exterior .
22 Erm the old on that you know , took me two years to get the bearings approved and er you know but then having to wait a year and a half cos had a year and a half 's worth of orders on 'em and promised to hold the price for three years is that 's what it took for them to use them up , er has run out , new orders have been put on but I 've got the chance of taking the business .
23 May we nurture the good that lies within us and seek to overcome the seeds of violence and hate .
24 A security guard stopped us and tried to explain the area was closed .
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