Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [v-ing] at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was looking at that bloke in the Metro going fuck me
2 No wonder I like things I was looking at these tights , yeah , it 's just one pair , and they were about eight pounds
3 They do n't occur at a uniform rate , but there 's nothing in Darwinism which implies that they should , but I was looking at some data on radiolarians recently in which about every sixty thousand years there 's a population sample — I mean you can estimate and see the rate at which this stuff is building up — and in no occasion in a period of sixty thousand years did the population change by more than about half a standard deviation .
4 Well what I was looking at this afternoon was your radiator comes through the floor .
5 well my thoughts had cristalized that we would have to change the direction of er , we communicating with them as we 've done in the past , we could n't just use adverts that we might have used regional in a regional press , we had to pick out the point , in the , in the actual article so that four example there were six or seven points that had clearly been made , statements that had been made , I had to devise a scheme then , er , it was only a scheme in my thinking that actually , I had to devise a scheme that would pick up each of these points encounter them , now there was no way I could simply take an advert out and say , they said this , we say that because that would have had no credibility , so what I was thinking at that time is how we might be able to use some other form of being able to counter those six or seven points and I started to come up with an idea perhaps using a third party , because in our business , third party recommendation are very , very powerful and when selling to the elderly because they do not take , I 'm sorry , they take a long time to come to a decision , they mull over it and such like , they take a lot of influence from people , take advise from family , accountants , solicitors , bank managers and such like , so the idea of having a third party in a sense recommend then would have allowed us to get over those particular points , so that 's what was germinating in my mind at the time
6 I was screaming at that critic who admires The White Hotel .
7 It came to me as I listened that I did n't want to be anywhere else in the world at that moment , that what I was feeling at that moment justified all I had been through , because all I had been through was my being there .
8 And I was working at this day and being a Monday or a Tuesday after the Mo Sunday meeting .
9 All I was doing at this time , if I was n't at school , was watching TV , listening to music , reading or walking , with Dawn as my constant companion .
10 Suddenly , she was staring at that mouth .
11 Sara said that she was standing at that window when she noticed the light in the office .
12 Though it was too early to say how BP would respond to the opportunities created by the Budget , he said it was looking at several projects for extra investment in North Sea fields already in production .
13 The rate of failures has been declining through the 1980s and the last time it was running at these levels was 1984 , when 3,924 businesses failed .
14 Erm he was using at that time an R registered Ford Escort er , which was er , only insured third party , fire and theft .
15 Erm he was using at that time an R registered Ford Escort er which was er only insured third party fire and theft .
16 For a moment he thought that he was looking at another river — black , smooth and straight between its banks .
17 Talking of reruns Madam er deputy speaker , er I almost feel I 'm involved in a series of reruns with the er with the minister himself because er in a series of bills er committees in the eighties , standing committees on the building societies bill , on the banking bill , on the financial services er bill , as they all were , er he was speaking at that time er in favour of more effective regulation , backing the votes of this side er for kind , the kind of policies it 's introducing today .
18 Dennis eventually went off with her on his own , leaving Nicholson to return alone to their hotel where he acted out some kind of ritual guarding of their rooms , ready to forewarn of an attack he was expecting at any moment from some non-existent Red Indians .
19 ‘ She said he was laughing at that time and she just wanted to frighten him . ’
20 he was so carried away with Newley that I believe quite unconsciously , Newley crept into Bowie 's voice and , as you know , he 's been accused of copying Tony Newley , but I do n't think he was really aware of what he was doing at that time .
21 However , most of the work he was doing at this time was of a minor nature .
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