Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [v-ing] [prep] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was looking at some last night and they had erm privately owned cottages or
2 This is actually tying this up with an exam question , I was looking through some past papers to try and spot things we may not have covered in detail .
3 While I was searching for some Arab property in the area , I had come across three young Palestinians standing beside a shabby food stall on the waterfront .
4 I can well believe that at home I was going through some such process for many years before I became anorexic , as well as during the course of the disease itself .
5 She was acting like some idiotic schoolgirl , not an intelligent woman , she thought in exasperation .
6 Then it became apparent that she was holding to some other lodestar .
7 It was almost as if she was suffering from some dreadful disease that could only be cured by his physical removal .
8 Such cheating may take the form of coaching or practice , but it may also take the subtle form of the chemistry teacher who asked the GCE student , ‘ are you sure that is what you want ? ’ when she was asking for some particular potion to complete an experiment in a practical examination , or the American teacher on the same 1987 visit who pointed to a particular answer in a workbook and asked the student to ‘ check that out ’ .
9 Groaning as if in physical pain , she rocked herself back and forth in her chair — her teeth bared as if she was grimacing at some diabolical joke .
10 Well , I 'eard — well , someone told me you was lookin' after some poor tart that 'ad 'urt 'er leg , an' young Linda said so .
11 We tracked down Ranteallo in the most elegant of these structures , which he was sharing with some thirty family members , guests , and slaves .
12 A second or two later , however , Fabia was turning her concentration to her plate , and giving herself something of a silent talking-to — her theme being that Ven would think he was lunching with some deranged lunatic if she went on grinning like that at him all through the meal .
13 He was searching among some old boxes .
14 She rather thought he was hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture , but for the life of her , whether he thought it unforgivable or not , she just had to burst out laughing , and ‘ Lubor ! ’ she laughed .
15 Although he was working on some big accounts — British Gas , Bankers Trust , Harris Queensway and Beecham — he was ambitious and keen for a little more action .
16 I gather they 're going to tell us he was working on some secret defence project , after all .
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