Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [adj] have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was delighted to have the opportunity to meet , and work with paul , who proved to be a lively , fun-loving character and a patient , helpful , inspiring tutor .
2 And I was delighted to have the neighbourhood laid out for me in the way a child sees its domain , and to earn a little money and receive from Mme Bluot the excellent unsold cakes and breads she would otherwise have had Didier feed to the ducks .
3 I was happy to have the opportunity to see you again , Principessa Sabatini . ’
4 I learnt later that he and some of his lords considered I was wrong to have a conversation with enemies of Lilliput .
5 I deeply regret that I was unable to have a word with the housekeeper when she was more collected in mind .
6 I was able to have the pick of excellent crews practically at the dock side as they arrived in the UK .
7 I was supposed to have a meeting on with erm , a couple of guys from the British Coal Enterprise down in Middlesbrough with , but unfortunately again the weather caught all of them out and they decided not to come , but did n't occur to them to say they would n't come , so I sat down there for an hour , and eventually managed to find a phone number and get in contact and the guy was still there , and he said oh no I 'm not coming up .
8 I , I , I was supposed to have a lift , and erm I was waiting like I say ten to five we knock off half one you see and the guy never turned up , the car was there but
9 Maybe I was supposed to have a lot of children .
10 Ronni took the opportunity to make a scathing comment — which she was aware had the effect of adding to her sense of well-being .
11 There was a time when she could remember thinking it was a very nice room and that she was lucky to have a carpet on the floor and not just lino .
12 And she was glad to have the strength of anger against him as she deciphered coolly , ‘ What you 're really saying is that either I leave Travis alone , or , if you ca n't get me over the Norwood & Chambers contract , you wo n't rest until you find some other contract I 've had small dealings with and which did n't work out , which added together will amount to dereliction of duty . ’
13 She was supposed to have the power of healing stomach aches , and people used to visit her during the hours of the siesta so that no one would know .
14 I must say , it was nice to have a chauffeur in strange territory .
15 I was n't dependent on coke , any more than it was nice to have a line after a heavy day — just like someone might have a glass of wine .
16 I was n't thinking specifically of old Leeds managers , with a couple of noteable exceptions , but it was nice to have a lot of my favourite ever players included in the same message ! !
17 Government recognized that nurses did not take strike action and believed that it was right to have a system of pay determination which meant that they did not lose by that policy .
18 It was strange having a sickle between her legs after all these months , but the reactions came back .
19 These were the days when it was possible to have a lease for life .
20 In the height of the season it was invaded by holidaymakers , but later on it was possible to have the area to oneself .
21 On test when it matters , ie swimming in white water , the Aqua-Pak had the advantage of being easier to swim in than many larger more bulky buoyancy aids though it was essential to have the jacket well fitting and done up properly as , like other buoyancy aids of this style , it could easily ride up the body .
22 Whether he was or was n't , it was great to have a shot like that at that point .
23 It was tiring to have a sister like Cati .
24 To carry out a proper exploration of these veins in some depth it was necessary to have a drainage adit otherwise there would have been continual hindrance with water .
25 It was marvellous to have the crowd behind me . ’
26 He notes that chorus singers were required to act ; far from the orchestra , perhaps even hidden , they were distracted by ‘ sounds within' So it was indispensable to have a conducteur to communicate ‘ by emphatic gestures and sometimes by the sound of the baton ’ However ,
27 It would be unhealthy to have a sector constantly depleted by institutions moving into what he called ‘ the University Club ’ , and it was desirable to have a sector ‘ under social control , and directly responsive to social needs ’ .
28 The Government had now come to believe , however , that it was wrong to have a penalty regime which was almost entirely automatic .
29 But , he added , sometimes commissions were needed and then it was valuable to have a scholar-bishop as the chairman .
30 For this reason it was simplest to have a rule that commendo did not raise a trust .
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