Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [verb] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ah now you think about it , I mean there was this question in our maths test and I was chatting to him in the dinner queue about it and I was going yeah it was this and he goes oh you 're probably right and he was agreeing with me and I found out later that I was wrong but he still agreed with me .
2 Did you get that bit erm , when I was speaking to you about how everybody hates you and stuff ?
3 and I I was taken to it by friends .
4 I was talking to her at a women 's group meeting — we were playing records .
5 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
6 jumping around while I was talking to her on the phone , I was getting so pissed the phone .
7 Well I was talking to him about it , I said I reckon you 've spent the you 've spent quite a bit now so you might as well just go another get final .
8 I was talking to him about that and I got a totally different response from him that I expected did n't mind .
9 I was talking to him in the post office . ’
10 Like , cos I was talking to him in the party , yeah ?
11 If I was talking to you on the street and you had asked me where such-and-such a street was , that was all right .
12 If I was talking to you as my pal , I 'd get done for idling my time .
13 was it comparative I was talking to you about ?
14 although no doubt they are doing the best they can for you Mr , erm , but I mean that 's why , that 's what I was putting to you at the beginning .
15 In fact it was a rather odd coincidence , ’ she said , warming to her theme , ‘ I was introduced to her at a party , and we got on quite well .
16 ‘ I was very fond of ffeatherstonehaugh 's from the time I was introduced to it by a pal of mine in the late 1940s .
17 so all that writing is actually surrounding your picture is n't it , you 've come up with your sensational picture and then you surround your sensational picture with your writing , I was saying to him with these little sub-headings like trapped , right , cost , holiday , okay which actually keep your reader hooked and make them want to read on .
18 Lead words , if you want to sit down and , in , in general you see er , you want to just sit down and think about what you 're doing and what you 're not doing , you can sit down and exercise on these words , now I 'm not saying you 'd ever want to do that , right now if , now you know I was saying to you about comparative questions right
19 Remember I was saying to you about the whole of the rag trade ?
20 ‘ Yes , I was recommended to you by our architect , Paul Richardson . ’
21 He told her that she would not be able to let go of him , that his power was deep , deep in her bones and she was bound to him for ever .
22 Rarely , and this was one of the times , she knew she was tied to him by what seemed like a tight cord of anxiety that vibrated to his needs , never hers ; how she was afflicted by him , how he weighed her down .
23 She was sent to him to be prepared for confirmation .
24 She was sent to me by her doctor , whom she had consulted because she suffered from anxiety attacks and what she called ‘ turns ’ .
25 Even when she was flying to me from various positions , the slightest disturbance in the landscape might distract her attention .
26 So she was writing to him at the time I telephoned .
27 She was going to him with letters right to the end . ’
28 She was whining to him about how Eyas Securities had played this awful trick on her , how embarrassing it all was .
29 Erm and when she was talking to me about different people , I 'd never know who they was , because I was never I was never that interested in Bay to er to find out who they was or to remember she 'd point out somebody and say that 's so and so and then when she 'd mention him a couple of days later I 'd go , Who 's that ?
30 I know Ellen Garwood loved to call him Mr Green , and when she would write me letters thinking that Mr Green was her real son , I got the impression that she was talking to me on the telephone underneath her bed , about the fun she was having .
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