Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [adv] so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Her Edmund ( who lives in Rome ) is more distinguished than I could ever be , and she was never so humble as her Emily .
2 It was n't so much as how to achieve a new social order , but how can I ensure that my son or daughter gets a better job than I did .
3 It was n't so much as how to achieve a new social order , but how can I ensure that my son or daughter gets a better job than I did .
4 Well i i it was n't so bad as where I er as when I went .
5 And , erm , so this , it was , in a sense it was not so much as what was repressed in his ears , the structure of his ego that led to this unfortunate consequence .
6 However , one attempt to test the extent of misreporting ( Martin/Butcher , 1982 ) found that , in general , it was not so great as to be a cause for concern .
7 In later experiments a brightly coloured plastic bottle was used and the blackbirds even learned to mob this object , although it was not so effective as a novel stuffed bird .
8 True , it was not so spectacular as earlier assaults on it , such as the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 , so it is hardly surprising that Israeli leaders should have so contemptuously dismissed it , so patently failed to understand its revolutionary import : that , for the first time , the enemy was offering the prospect of the civilised , peaceful , negotiated settlement for which Israel had clamoured since its foundation .
9 Many women died in childbirth , but it was not so dangerous as the warlike pursuits of the men-folk .
10 Unfortunately , from the company 's point of view , it was not so competitive as that from Yarrow , but it was certainly a very responsible offer .
11 The punishment was hard because Maggie would miss her visit , but it was not so bad as losing some of her pay .
12 In retrospect , wrote Ali in Street Fighting Years , ‘ it was not so bad as we thought ’ , but it ended up in the incinerator , rather than on the streets .
13 In that case of Appleford ( Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 ) there was a mandamus brought , to restore him to his fellowship : it was returned , that by the statutes of the college , for misdemeanour they had a power to turn him out ; and that the Bishop of Winchester was visitor , and that he was turned out pro crimine enormi , and had appealed to the bishop , who confirmed the expulsion ; and the particular cause was not returned : I was of counsel for the college , and we omitted the cause in the return for that reason , because indeed it was not so true as it should have been .
14 Of the pole there is no sign , but it was originally so constructed as to act as a kind of lever in order to minimise jolting on rough surfaces .
15 His words indicated that he was n't so young as he looked , and she said , ‘ Very well . ’
16 All in all , a pitiful collection , but he was n't so self-deceiving as to believe their relationship had been much more than a sum of those parts .
17 He was not so simple as to believe that the danger would be over when Aldhelm went home frustrated , but what followed he would have to encounter and parry when it came .
18 There may even have been a certain temperamental affinity between Baden-Powell 's Scouting philosophy and the restless energies of Hooliganism , and he was even so outrageous as to recommend the Hooligans to the National Defence Association as ‘ the best class of boy ’ : Predictably , his remarks invited the characteristic reversal of the problem , when a member of the National Defence Association asked :
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