Example sentences of "[pers pn] to [art] [adj] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Let me now illustrate some of these things by introducing you to a twentieth-century saint who lived a life of love in a radical way .
2 The tragedy unfolds through wonderful music — from the tentative If I Loved You to the final tear-jerker You 'll Never Walk Alone .
3 They will direct you to the nearest telephone which is free of charge .
4 ‘ As I was saying , I went round and Daddy took me to a French restaurant he knew . ’
5 ‘ Which brings me to the final thing we need to discuss .
6 He was going to take me to the derelict château he and Montaine had discovered in a clearing in one of the forests .
7 You should remove the cichlids as soon as possible and transfer them to a separate tank which is set-up specifically for African cichlids , or take them back to the place you bought them .
8 Owen accompanied them to the front entrance himself .
9 Now all of this may well have made no difference to the final result ; the courts reading of the facts may have led them to the same conclusion whatever the meanings given to reasonable and unreasonable .
10 If we could have got him to a warm climate we might have kept him alive for a year or two more than we did .
11 The shop owner gives him to a little girl who needs him and cares for him .
12 Your son 's teacher should be able to refer him to an educational psychologist who 'll try to find out why he acts as he does , and how he can be helped .
13 He was very nearly as tall as her , but she put an arm under his shoulders and supported him to the untidy room which served as the stable office , calling to one of the stable girls to take over the class .
14 A young woman ran a pushchair into the back of her legs painfully and , when Meredith turned round , treated her to a furious glare which clearly said she had no business to be in the way .
15 Her sexual appetite and expertise at that early age had endeared her to a senior officer who then enlisted her as an agent .
16 Well you you do it to a certain extent you 've got descriptions
17 In those circumstances the only option open to a government , determined to return Rover to the private sector , was to sell it to a British company which was not involved in the car industry .
18 She 's bitterley disappointed that the council has sold it to a local businessman who wants to use the premises to repair binoculars .
19 Sunderland 's housing committee is to be asked to take over the property with a view to renting it to a would-be tenant who could buy it outright in future under the right-to-buy scheme .
20 Pay the money for the upkeep of each child , do n't give it to the individual workman who may have few or no children .
21 It had an iron gate almost indistinguishable from the railings , and he preceded her through it to the front door which was centrally placed between tall windows , with a bow window above it belonging to the bedroom they would be sharing .
22 Eventually , after appealing her case for years in the UK , she took it to the European Court which agreed that there must be equal opportunities to claim social security benefits , and that discrimination on the grounds of either sex or marital status must end .
23 In short , it may be illuminating to start with the damage and work back through the cause of it to the possible duty which may have been broken .
24 When he stood Godfather in Fowey , custom demanded that on the way to the christening he should carry the traditional cake and offer it to the first person he saw .
25 What they 're saying in effect is that they 're not going to entrust their latest toy to their closest ally because we 'd flog it to the first Russian we came across . ’
26 The new matrix is symmetric , since both its i , jth and j , ith elements are unity ; moreover , its determinant is -1 , since in moving the jth row to the ith position unc we cross j — i rows ; but the original ith row is now the i + 1th and so in taking it to the jth position we cross j — i — 1 rows .
27 In 1987 , I founded by prestigious First Turkey of the Christmas Season award and gave it to the British banker who had lent ( and lost ) £500,000 to a penniless student for him to play stock market futures .
28 Park Court , which houses Hilda 's flat , was at one time an outhouse for a local manor , but in 1931 the owner left it to the local council who then converted it into a fire station .
29 If the account was given to a neighbour who then repeats it to the social worker it will be multiple hearsay .
30 Not finding anything among the existing styles to which she was exposed , she created her own , dedicating it to the Buddhist nun who had taught her , but naming it after herself .
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