Example sentences of "[pers pn] into the [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
2 In more dramatic terms , the downgrading of domestic industries reflects the success of the transnational capitalist class in dragging them into the global economy and thereby transforming them , even in a rather minimal sense , into transnational industries .
3 Unfortunately the Northern Ireland attitude seems to be , ‘ throw them into the deep end and let them swim ’ , the result being too many export efforts sink to the bottom of the pool .
4 As Pound confessed in another letter in 1933 : ‘ Most Cantos have in them ‘ binding matter ’ , i.e. lines holding them into the whole poem and these passages do n't much help the reader of an isolated fragment …
5 I think it was in my mind to ask Poppy to dance , to bring her into the lighted room and behave perfectly normally .
6 He glared down into her determined face and then swept her up in one smooth movement , carrying her into the darkened barn and grimly mounting the wooden steps .
7 She followed him into the other room and sat down on the sofa to pour out while Penry put a match to the kindling in the stove .
8 Mosley did find kindred spirits in the Labour movement , some of whom followed him into the New Party and a smaller proportion into fascism , but although the party conference and the Labour movement in general were sympathetic to his practical suggestions , the Labour government rejected his proposals .
9 She walked past him into the tiny hallway and picked up her bags , noticing with relief that he was n't around when she fled up the narrow wooden stairs to one of the three bedrooms , the one furthest away from his .
10 Rachel found herself following him into the social club and a few minutes later when they were both seated with their drinks in the same window-seat where they had sat before she said , ‘ So what 's your connection with Conway House ? ’
11 She walked past him into the big sitting-room and he followed her , lounging insolently against the door-frame as once more his eyes seemed to strip her .
12 And then the bought the drill hall and turned it into the public hall and presented it to the island .
13 The Sergeant took us into the small canteen and told us quietly and forcefully that our holiday in Aubagne was over and that we were off to start four months of basic training designed to turn us into legionnaires .
14 The European Commission have agreed an action programme that will take us into the next century and this is despite the attitude of the present U K government .
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