Example sentences of "[pers pn] make at the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that the position is more complicated , however , should be obvious if we remind ourselves of the point I made at the beginning of Chapter 2 : how variable teachers are .
2 However , that leaves the galleries open to pressure , when they come to the Minister and make points such as that which I made at the beginning of my speech — saying , for instance , that last year the Tate gallery could buy only one work of art .
3 If , bearing in mind the theory of society and superego development so far advanced in this book , we now turn our attention back to the analysis of modern culture outlined in the article from which I quoted so extensively in the chapter before last , we can see that the following remarks , also from that article , take on a much greater significance in the light of the point which I made at the conclusion of the last regarding the lack of a culturally determined latency period among the Australian aborigines :
4 ‘ Listen boy , ’ he said , addressing the son and ignoring Matilda , ‘ seeing as you 'll be going into this business with me one day , you 've got to know how to add up the profits you make at the end of each day .
5 For what you make at the end of the day on , on somebody 's
6 She demonstrated her apparent unawareness of her position in the speech she made at the opening of the church hall in Kensington to which the grocer John Barker , from whom she bought provisions , had contributed .
7 That is the implication of a very suggestive comment that he made at the time to Edgar Faure : " At certain periods there are some problems that have no solution . "
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