Example sentences of "[pers pn] go [adv prt] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I went out for the day , and came back to find the room full of thick smoke from Holmes ' pipe .
2 Amy and I went out for the day .
3 It went on and on until I was nearly frantic , so I went out for the evening several times in one week to release the tension .
4 But then I thought , ‘ I 'll show him , ’ and I went in for the Pub Entertainer of the Year contest .
5 when I went in for the steamer
6 One enterprising young man gathered 60 ration books into his brief-case and persuaded an RCAF pilot , due for a recognizance flight that day , to fly him several hundred miles across the provincial border to Atlin , B.C. At the friendly invitation of those concerned I went along for the ride and helped my energetic friends load five cases of Johnny Walker , which we transported back to Whitehorse well in time for a Saturday night party .
7 I went along for the ride ; Mrs Goreng needed moral support and a straight guy to conduct an emergency dialogue with , if the need arose .
8 In my own defence I can say only that I went along for the ride , as it were , if you 'll forgive the expression , Mr Milton . ’
9 No , the , the , the extension of them going up for the cup and all , that 's what it was .
10 ‘ Are n't you going in for the Swimming Gala ? ’
11 If you if you go out for the kitchen you know or whatever it is
12 One of the things that I used to do was train and I know the feeling , I know the excitement , I know the adrenalin that pumps round the body , when you go in for the kill .
13 I , I , mean we had erm , we went out for the day and they give us it was sandwiches
14 They cut off their hands so that they go about for the rest of their lives with bleeding stumps . ’
15 It might be needed if they went out for the day .
16 He went up for the job , grinding his teeth , and got it .
17 I think we said to you on Friday erm both me and Roger actually said that he he went into er he went in for the kill and he c he came out with slaughter
18 He went back for the woman pedestrian he knocked down near a busy roundabout and helped her into his white Sierra car .
19 He went back for the President , lifting him from behind by both elbows and walking him into the shower with his boxer shorts and his sandals on .
20 But he went along for the ride , hoping he could put his spoke in and cancel the idea .
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